Full text: Banking standards under the federal reserve system

compared by districts and 
years, with 
Demand deposits to T. D. 
Loans and discounts to 
E. A. 
Net earnings to E. A. 
Total expense to E. A. 
Changes in 
and position of 
by districts and years 
correlated with changes in 
Demand deposits to E. A. 178,179, 210, 218, 227 
Demand deposits to T. D. 184, 185, 210, 218, 227 
[nterest and discounts on 
borrowed money to 
E. A 218,227 
Interest on deposits to 
E A. 218, 22% 
Investments to E. A. 196, 200 
Loans and discounts to 
E. A. 
160, 163, 170, 179, 185, 
218, 22%, 255 
218, 220, 227, 258 
218, 227 
Net earnings to E. A. 
“Other” expense to E. A. 
Salaries and wages to 
E. A. 
Taxes to E. A. 
Time deposits to E. A. 
Time deposits to T. D. 
Total deposits to E. A. 
Total expense to E. A. 
correlated with changes in 
Investments to E. A. and 
Time deposits to E. A. 
Time deposits to T. D. 
Loans and discounts to 
E. A. and 
Demand deposits to 
E. A. 179 
Demand deposits to 
T. D. 185 
and position of 
Loans and discounts to 
E. A. 163 
Total deposits to E. A. 174 
Differences of, from country’s 
yearly averages 
oy districts and years 
correlated with differences in 
Demand deposits to E. A. 
Demand deposits to T. D. 
Loans and discounts to 
E. A. 
218, 227% 
218, 227 
193, 196, 210 
200, 209 
173,174, 210, 255 
218, 220, 227, 234, 236 
180, 210, 224, 227 
189, 210, 224, 227 
165, 170, 224, 226, 227, 
197, 210, 224 
209, 224 
174, 210, 224, 255 
Net earnings to E. A. 
Time deposits to E. A. 
Time deposits to T. D. 
Total deposits to E. A. 
£30, 222 
78,164,186, 222,223

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