Full text: Safety and production

410 INDEX 
Hardware companies, trends in accident 
and production rates in terms of 
man-hours, 28, 38, 41, 50, 102, 242- 
trends in accident rates in terms of 
production, 84, g7 
Hat company, trends in accident and 
production rates in terms of man- 
hours, 372 
Hatch, Leonard W., member of Commit- 
tee on Safety and Production 
Hausmann, A. A., field engineer, 306 
Head, face, and neck, losses due to in- 
juries to, 108 
High level of performance in safety and 
production, 66-67 
Hoisting and conveying machinery com- 
panies, trends in accident and pro- 
duction rates in terms of man-hours, 
27, 38, 41, 50, 190, 226-229 
Holden, P. E., member of staff of Safety 
and Production Study, 304 
Hosiery company, trends in accident and 
production rates in terms of man- 
hours, 347 
[ron and steel companies, aggregate ex- 
perience of, 116 
trends in accident and production rates 
in terms of man-hours, 25, 38, 40, 46, 
[ron mining companies, aggregate ex- 
perience of, 116 
trends in accident and production rates 
in terms of man-hours, 26, 38, 41, 
46, 200-201 
Jackson, John Price, member of Com- 
mittee on Safety and Production, 
Kitchen range company, trends in ac- 
cident and production rates in terms 
of man-hours, 222 
Kitchen utensil companies, trends in ac- 
cident and production rates in terms 
of man-hours, 261-263 
Knee, losses due to injuries to, 108 
Knit goods companies, trends in accident 
and production rates in terms of man- 
hours, 33, 39, 42, 61, 340-340 
ice companies, trends in accident and pro- 
duction rates in terms of man-hours, 
366, 373 
.mprovement in safety and production, 
effort required for, 70-72 
(mprovements in safety and production, 
zones of, 34, 65-75 
[ndustrial accidents. See Accidents 
Industrial activity, increased intensity of, 
[ndustrial conditions, improvement in, 
insecticide and fertilizer companies, trends 
in accident and production rates in 
terms of man-hours, 38, 46, 139- 
nspection departments, losses due to ac- 
cidents in, 104, 107 
[nternational Association of Industrial 
Accident Boards and Commissions, 
standard weighted table of days lost 
due to accidents, 19, 402-403 
vestigation, aggregate experience se- 
cured by, 116 
centers, 395-397 
data sheet, 400-403 
extent of data secured by, 20-21 
items of information gathered by, 18 
method of, 18-20 
nature of data gathered by, 19-20 
plan of, 16-17 
program of, 303-406 
purpose of, 16 
results of field work, 397-390 
review of problem for, 15 
schedule of, 395 
scope of, 17-18, 115-116, 120 
sources of information for, 115 
Lathes. See Machine tools 
Lead and zinc mining companies, aggre- 
gate experience of, 116 
trends in accident and production rates 
in terms of man-hours, 27, 38, 41, 
51, 202 
Leg, losses due to injuries to, 108 
levels of performance in safety and pro- 
duction, 31, 34, 65-75 
Lightning rod company, trends in ac- 
cident and production rates in terms 
of man-hours, 217 
Limestone quarrying companies, trends in 
accident and production rates in terms 
of man-hours, 39, 41, 61, 315 
Lithographing company, trends in ac- 
cident and production rates in terms 
of man-hours, 384 
Location of injuries, losses tabulated ac- 
cording to, 106, 109 
Locomotive companies, trends in accident 
and production rates in terms of man- 
hours, 192, 246 
Locomotive wrecking crane company, 
trends in accident and production 
rates in terms of man-hours, 227 
Lost-time accidents, definition of, 18-10 
Low level of performance in safety and 
production, 66, 68 
[Loweth, Charles F., member of Committee 
on Safety and Production, 393-394 
Lumber companies, trends in accident and 
production rates in terms of man- 
hugs, 26, 38, 40, 46-47, 366, 374 
Lytle, Charles W., field engineer, 3g6

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