Full text: Commercial geography

[taly, 357-363; agriculture, 359, 361; 
cities, 361; foreign trade, 361 (with 
South America, 423, 420; with 
United States, 282); map, 356; 
merchant marine, 363; minerals, 
359; physical features, 357, 358; 
possessions in Africa, 413; railway 
routes, 358; resources, 359 
Jamaica, 434; trade of, 279 
Japan, 385, 398, 400; coal, 88 ; metric 
system, 257 
Java, 349; cable from Australia, 407 
Johannesburg, 420 
Johnson, Sir William, z10 
Johnstown, New York, 209, 210 
Johnstown, Pennsylvania, iron, 206 
Joliet, Illinois, iron, 206 
Joplin, Missouri, 177 
Tugoslavia, 383 
lujuy, 429 
Jura Mountains, 321, 357 
Kafir corn, 126; for cattle, 43; climate 
for, 123; for forage, 137 
Kalgoorlie, 405 
Kansas, coal, 83; gypsum, 167; Kafir 
corn, 126; natural gas, 164; petro- 
leum, 162, 163; salt, 165 
Kansas City, center of industry, 227; 
horse market, 157; packing center, 
45; pork packing, 147 
Kaolin, 172 
Karachi, 391 
Karlsbad, 373 
Kashgar, 397, 440 
Keltie, J. S., quoted, 319 
Kentucky, bituminous rocks, 165; 
coal, 82; hemp, 137; iron, 63; to- 
bacco, 135 
Kenya Colony, 420 
Key West, 275 
Kharkov, 378 
Khartum, 417, 420 
Kiel Canal, 237, 238, 341 
Kimberley, 419 
Kingston, Jamaica, 434 
Kingston, Ontario, 268 
Klamath Mountains, 118 
Klondike, gold in, 292 
Knit goods, 206-208 
Knoxville, iron center, 67; position, 
Korea, 398, 400 
Krakow, 371 
Krefeld, 343 
Krupp steel industries, 76 
(abor by hand and machine com- 
pared, 104, 105, 107 
Labrador, forests of, 28g 
Lackawanna Steel Company, 69, 70 
Lahore, 391 
‘ake Erie, cities of, 225; iron ports. 
Lake Superior region, iron ores in, 
61-63 ; transportation from, 63, 66 
Lake Survey, United States, 262 
Lakes, sources of water, 184 
Lancashire, coal field, 87; cotton in- 
dustry, 306, 307 
Land grants to railways, 264 
La Paz, 432 
Lard, 147 
Latin America, 422-439; €Xports, 431; 
general notice, 422, 423; imports, 
432; opportunity for trade, 439: 
trade with United States, 279 
Latitude, range of plant products, 
Lava plateaus, 117 
Lead, 177, 309 
_eather, 155, 156 
Lebanon range of mountains, 441 
Le Creuzot, iron center, 325 
Leeds, 305, 308, 309; coal supply, 87 
Leghorn, 361, 443 
Lehigh Valley Railroad milk route, 5I 
Leicester, 309 
Leipzig, 343; fur market, 156 
_eith, 316 
.emons in United States, 126 
Leningrad, 17, 372, 382, 401 
_eopoldville, 418 
_ewiston, Maine, 204 
“.iberia, 414 
Libyan Desert, 413" 
Liege, 334 
Life-saving service, 263 
Lighthouse Board, 263 
Lignite, 84, go; in Canada, 292 
"ille, iron center, 325 
Lima, 431 
_imestones, 169, 170 
_imoges, 325 
_inen, 137 
Linseed oil, 137 
_iquor, cereals used in, 133 
Liquor traffic, regulation of, 266 
_isbon, 367

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