Full text: Commercial geography

422, 430, 431, 4335, 445; for Aus- 
tralia, 407; for Gulf regions, 116; 
for Mississippi basin, 116 
Panama city, 435 
Panama Railway, 435 
Pan-American Railway, 435. 439 
Pan-American Union, building of, 423 
Pard, 432 
Paraguay, 430, 432 
Paris, 321, 328, 320, 357; Bureau of 
Weights and Measures in, 256; 
latitude of, 322 
Paris Exposition, United States dairy 
products at, 56 
Parma, 358 
Patagonia, 427 
Patent Office, United States, 267 
Paterson, New Jersey, silk center, 
212; water power, 192 
Peace promoted by commerce, 448 
Peaches in United States, 128 
Peking, 397 
Pennine Range, 87, 305; pastures of. 
Pennsylvania, apples, 127; glass, 174, 
212, 213; iron ores, 61; natural 
gas, 164; petroleum, 161, 162: 
Portland cement, 172 
Pennsylvania Railway system, 223, 
224, 231, 232, 233; mails on, 249 
Pensacola, 275 
Persia, 388, 339, 440 
Persian Gulf, shipping of, 389 
Perth, Australia, 405 
Peru, 430-432; cotton, 27 
Peruvian cotton, 23 
Peshawar, 391 
Petrograd. (See Leningrad) 
Petroleum, 161-164; Appalachian 
region, 161, 162; California, 119; 
Pennsylvania, 161, 162; pipe lines 
in the United States, 162, 163; pro- 
duction (United States, in 1860— 
1920, 163; in the West, 162, 163); 
products, 164; refineries, 164; 
Russia, 164, 378; transportation, 
163, 164 
Philadelphia, conditions of growth, 
223; cotton in, 204; on fall line, 113; 
foreign trade, 27 5; knit goods, 207; 
position, 114; water supply, 189 
Philippine Islands, 394, 395; cable to, 
252; resources, 277; telegraphs. 
254; trade, 277 
Phoenicians, trade of, 440-4472 
Phosphates, 167 
Physical geography defined, g2 
Pine in United States, 139; con- 
servation of, 143 
Pine Creek, Australia, 405 
Pineapples in Florida, 126 
Pipe lines, 163 
Piracy, protection against, 264 
Pirgeus, 367; coaling station, 87; 
view of harbor, 366 
Pisa, 361, 443 
’ittsburgh, coal at, 81, 85, 86; com- 
sared with Cincinnati, 226; glass, 
213; iron center, 6o, 65, 66, 67, 99 
Pittston, Pennsylvania, 8o 
Placers, 175, 176 
Plant products of United States, 120— 
144 ; apples, 127; barley, 123, 124; 
beverage plants, 133-135; buck- 
wheat, 124; cereals (general view, 
121, 122; of subtropical regions, 
124-126; of temperate regions, 
122-124); cold storage, 131; con- 
servation of forests, 142, 143; corn, 
122, 123 (for distillation, 133); cran- 
berries, 128 ; fiber plants, 137, 138}; 
iorage products, 136, 137; foreign 
rade in forest products, 144; 
forests and forest products, 138- 
144; fruits of temperate latitudes, 
127, 128; general range, 120, 121; 
grapes, 127, 128; latitude range, 
120; lumber centers, 140; national 
forests, 143, 144; oats, 123; peaches, 
128; potatoes, 128, 129; preserva- 
tion of fruits and vegetables, 130; 
refrigerator cars, 131; rice, 124, 
125; rye, 124; strawberries, 128; 
subtropical fruits, 126, 127; sugar 
plants, 131-133; tobacco, 135, 136; 
transportation of fruits and vege- 
:ables, 130, 131; turpentine, rosin, 
and tar, 141, 142; uses of wood, 
140; vegetables, 128; wood pulp. 
140, I41 
lata River, countries of, 426-430 
’latinum, Russia, 379; Colombia, 433 
Plymouth, England, 312 
Po River, plain of, 357; railways on, 358 
Poland, 369, 371-373, 379 
Pollution of rivers, 185-189 
Population in United States, in 1790, 
93; in 1850, 94; in 1900, 96; in 1920, 
98; in agricultural pursuits, 103; 
migration of centers of, 102

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