Full text: Commercial geography

Pork, 147 
Port Arthur, 299, 301, 302 
Port Darwin, 405 
Port Elizabeth, 421 
Portland, Maine, 275 
Portland, Oregon, 118, 223, 223, 275% 
Portland cement in United States, 
170; account of, 171, 172; pro- 
duction (1890-1919), 171 
Porto Rico, national forests in, 143; 
telegraphs, 254; trade, 277 
Port Said, 416, 420: coaling station, 
Ports of United States, 274, 275 
Portugal, 366, 367; possessions in 
Africa, 413, 414 
Postal Telegraph Company, 252 
Postal Union, International, 251 
Post-office orders, 250 
Potatoes, Germany, 338 ; Russia, 3709, 
381; United States, 128, 129 
Potomac, valley, 114; waterway, 229 
Pottery, 213; in England, 310 
Pottsville, Pennsylvania, $o 
Poultry in United States, 148 
Power, animals used for, 157 
Prague, 372 
Prairies of Illinois, 115 
Preservation of fruits and vegetables, 
on 306 
Pretoria, 421 
Prince Edward Island, 292 
Prince Rupert, 298, 3oz 
Principles of commercial geography, 
92-110 (complex results of com- 
mercial processes, 103; develop- 
ment of commerce, 92; economic 
conditions, 110; government func- 
tions, 107, 109, 110; human factors, 
103, 106; localization of manu- 
facture, 97, 99; manufacture, 97; 
markets, g9, 100 ; political divisions, 
toy; raw materials, 95, 96; skill, 
degrees of, 106; social conditions, 
110; stages of occupation, 107; 
standards of living, 106; transpor- 
tation, 101-102) 
Proctor, Vermont, marble of, 170 
Production, government aid to, 266 
Protective tariffs, 268 
Puget Sound, 118 
Punjab, the, 389 
Pyrenees, 321 ; as barrier, 163 
Quarantine, 262 
Quebec, city of, 295, 206 
Quebec, southern, 288 ; agriculture in, 
293; water power in, 294 
Queensland, cattle in, 49 
Queenstown, 312 
Quincy, Massachusetts, granites of, 
Racine, Wisconsin, agricultural im- 
plements in, 214 
Railways, electric, near Cleveland, 
239; in Indiana, 240 
Railways, England, 312; France, 326, 
327; Russia, 381; Sweden, 352; 
United States (early history, 231, 
232; growth in 1832-1920, 234; 
land grants, 264; net, map of, 
233; principal groups, 233; regula- 
tion, 265) 
Rainfall, Australia, 403; Mississippi 
basin, 116; United States, 1zo, 
181, 182 (maps) 
Raleigh, on fall line, 113 
Rangoon, 391, 393 
Raw materials, gs, 97 
Rawlinson, quoted, 441 
Reading, 114 
Reclamation Act, 196 
Red River valley, 117 
Red Sea, 416 
Refineries, petroleum, 164 
Refrigeration, meats, 46 
Refrigerator cars, 46, 131 
Registered mail, z50 
Regulation, of liquor traffic, 266; of 
railways, 265; of trade, 265, 266 
Reims, wine center, 323 
Republic, wireless telegraph and the 
steamship, 253, 254 
Rhine River, 321, 328, 335, 336; com- 
pared with Danube, 371; route of 
trade, 340; territory on, 345, 347 
Rhode Island, rank in cotton manu- 
facture, 204 
Rhodesia, 420 
Rhone River, 321, 324, 327, 328; 
ancient route, 443 
Rice, 124, 125; Burma, 393; climate, 
123; harvesting, 125; India, 391; 
Italy, 359; production, United 
States, in 1869 and in 1919, 124, 
134; Siam, 393 
Rideau Canal, 299 
Riga, 281

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