Rio Grande (irrigation) project, 197
Rio de Janeiro, 427, 429
Rivers, as sources of water, 185-
Riviera, the, French, 321; railway
along, 358
Roads, earth, 240-242
Rochester, flour center, 9
Rockport, Massachusetts. granites of,
Rocky Mountains, 117; coal in, 84
Rome, 361; trade of ancient, 443
Rosario, 429
Rosetta, 420
Rosin, 141, 142
Rotterdam, 328, 336, 340, 348, 356
Rouen, 328, 330
Rubber, in Brazil, 424, 425; in India,
393; imports in United States, 273
Rugs, Persian export, 389
Ruhr, coal field, 83
Rumania, 369, 375-377
Rural free delivery, 250, 251
Russia, 377-382, 400, 401; agricul-
ture, 379, 381; “black soil,” 17;
cities and routes, 377, 381, 382;
cotton spindles in, 34; dairy prod-
ucts at Paris Exposition, 56; fairs,
382; foreign trade, 382; furs, 156;
internal navigation, 381; map, 377;
metric system in, 257; minerals,
378, 379; physical features, 378;
plains, II5, 116; railways, 381;
sphere of, in Persia, 388 ; trade with
United States. 283, 284; wheat, 3,
Rutland, Vermont, marble of, 170
Rye, 124; Germany, 337, 338; pro-
duction, Europe, 337; Russia, 379;
yield of, per acre, in United States.
Saar coal fields, 76, 88
Sahara, the, 414, 416, 417, 421;
French colony, 332
St. Anthony, falls of, 9
Saint-Etienne, 3235
St. Gothard Railway route, 356, 358;
main tunnel, 340, 356; spiral tun-
nels, 355
St. Helena, 320
St. John, New Brunswick, 295
St. Joseph, packing center, 45
St. Lawrence, navigation of, 300, 301
St I.ouis. center of industry, 221;
coal supply, 83; fur depot, 221;
hinterland of, 221; lumber market,
140; railway center, 221; steam-
boat traffic, 221
St. Marys Canal, 237
St. Paul, packing center, 45
St. Petersburg. (.Se¢ Leningrad)
Salford, 306 )
Salmon fisheries, 151
Salonika, market for hides and skins,
156, 383
Salt, 163, 166; distribution, 165; Ga-
licla, 373; Germany, 337; proc
esses, 165, 166; Russia, 379; uses,
3alt River (irrigation) project, 197
Salvador, 435
Samarkand, 40%
Sana, 388
Sandstones, 169
San Francisco, 223, 225; cable from,
252; coaling station, 87; earth
quake, 248; foreign trade, 275;
map of bay, 280
Sanitation of milk, §1, 53
Santiago, Chile, 431
Santiago, Cuba, 434
Santos, 424, 429
Sadne River, 322, 324, 327; ancient
route, 443
540 Paulo, 424
Saratoga, mineral waters of, 201
Sardines, 291
Saskatchewan, wheat in, 293
Sault St. Marie Canal, 301
Savannah, 275
Saxony, cities of, 343
Scilly Islands, 441
Scotland, 314-316; agriculture, 314;
coal, 83; industries, 315; seaports,
318, 316
Scranton, Pennsylvania, 8o
Sea-island cotton, 22; map, 28
Sealing fleet in Victoria harbor, 208
Seals in Alaska, 156
Seattle, 223, 225, 275; cable from,
254; position of, 118
Seine River, 322, 329, 330; 332
Semmering Pass, 374
Senegal, 421
Sequoia, 139
Serbia, 382
Sevres, 325
Shamokin, Pennsylvania, 8o
Shanghai, 306