Full text: Commercial geography

Sheep, 1435, 146; Australia, 408 ; all 
countries, 408; United States, by 
states, 146 
Sheffield, 305; coal supply, 87; steel, 
68, 74, 76 
Shipbuilding, on the Clyde, 75; in 
Germany, 76 
Shoes, boots and, 211, 212 
Shoshone (irrigation) project, 197 
Siam, 393 
Siberia, 383, 400, 401 
Sicily, ancient trade, 443; sulphur, 359 
Sidon, 441 
Sierra Leone, 413 
Sierras of California, 118 
Signal Corps, United States army, 
telegraphs used by, 252, 254 
Silesia, 373 
Silk, 212; Argentina, 428; Italy, 361; 
Lyon as center, 327; production 
of raw, all countries, 359; silk- 
worms, 323; United States, 157 
Silver, 176 
Simplon Tunnel, 357; map, 3356; 
route, 358; view, 357 
Singapore, 394; coaling station, 87 
Sioux City, packing center, 43 
Site of cities, 221, 222 
Sitka, grains grown at, 267; wheat, 
Slate, 16g; in Wales, 310 
Slavonia, 375 
Smith, J. Russell, quoted, 245 
Smyrna, 385, 386 
Snake River plateaus, 117 
Soap, 47 
Social conditions .as affecting com- 
merce, 110 
Social and moral effects of com- 
merce, 446-448 
Soil survey, 261 
Somali coast, 413 
Sorghum, 131, 137 
South America, 422-433; Andean 
countries, 430-432; Brazil, 423- 
427; northern countries, 432-433; 
population, 430; trade of countries 
with United States, 279, 429 
Southampton, 312 
South Bend, agricultural implements 
in, 215 
South Carolina, cotton manufacture, 
rank in, 204; phosphates, 167; 
water power, 194 
South Wales, coal field, 88 
Southern Railway system, 233 
Spain, 362-366; agriculture, 364 ; area 
and population, 365; coal fields, 88; 
industry and trade, 365, 366; iron, 
77; map, 362; minerals, 363, 365; 
physical features, 363; progress, 
366; sheep, 1435; trade with United 
States, 282 
Special delivery of mails, 250 
Specialism of countries, 284° 
Sponge fisheries, 159 
Springfield, Ohio, agricultural imple- 
ments in, 214 
Springs, 183 
Stafford, 305 
Staffordshire, 310 
Standard time, 257, 258 
Standards of weight and measure, 2 56 
Stanley Falls, 418 
Stassfurt, salt deposits of, 337 
State Department, Consular Bureau 
of, 269 
Staunton, 114 
Steel, making of, 68. (See iron) 
Stettin, 336, 342 
Steyr, iron center, 374 
Stockholm, 352 
Stockyards, Chicago, 44 
Straits Settlements, tin, 309 
Strasbourg, 328, 336, 340 
Strawberries, 128, 131 
Sturgeon, 152 
Submarine telegraph, 252, 253 
Sudan, 413, 417 
Suez Canal, 237, 238, 301, 416; Aus- 
tralian route, 407; effect on Med- 
iterranean trade, 444, 445; wheat 
route, 19 
Sugar, beet and cane compared, 341; 
Cuba, 434; Hawaii, 277; imports, 
in United States, 273, 278. (See 
beet sugar, cane, sorghum, sugar 
beet, sugar plants) 
Sugar beet, in Germany, 338, 339; 
map of industry of, central Europe, 
Sugar plants, 131-133 (beets, 131- 
133; cane, 131; sorghum, 131) 
Sulphur in Italy, 359 
Sunderland, 87 
Surveys, geological, geographical, 
soil, biological, 261; railway, by 
government, 109 
Susquehanna, valley, 114; waterway, 

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