Full text: Commercial geography

Swamps, drainage of, 199, 200 
Swansea, 310 
Sweden, 351, 352; manufactures, 352; 
map, 351; size and population, 351; 
trade, 352 
Switzerland, 353-357; Alps of, 353; 
commercial prosperity, 354, 355; 
manufactures, 355; routes, 356; 
trade with United States, 283 
Sydney, 405, 400 
Syracuse, New York, salt at, 166 
Tacoma, 2735; position, 118 
Taganrog, 381 
Tampa, 275 
Tampico, 438 
Tanganyika, Lake, 413, 418, 420 
Tanning, 155 
Tar, 141, 142 
Tariffs, 268; Australia, 405; Zollverein 
of German states, 345, 346 
Tarsus, 383, 387 
Tea in United States, experiments in 
growing, 135; imports, 273 
Teakwood, 393 
Tehuantepec Railway, 438 
Telegraph, land, 251, 252; submarine, 
252, 253; of the world, 254, 255 
Telephone, 254, 255 
Tennessee, coal, 83; copper, 177; 
iron, 61; petroleum, 162; phos- 
phates, 167; valley of East, 114 
Tennessee River, navigation of, 232 
Texas, cattle, 42; coal, 83; figs, 126; 
petroleum, 162; rice, 125; salt, 
Textiles, France, 326; Germany, 339; 
imports, 274; Scotland, 315. (See 
United Kingdom) 
Thermal waters, 201 
Tibet, 397 
Tientsin, 397 
Tierra del Fuego, 427 
Tiflis, 401 
Tigris River, 440; steamships on, 388 
Timbuktu, 421 
Time, standard, in United States, 
257, 258 
Tin, 177. 274; England, 309; Malay 
Peninsula, 394; Bolivia, 432 
Tobacco, distribution of production, 
135; revenue tax, 268; in United 
States, 134, I35, 136 
Togo, 412 
Toledo, iron port, 65 
Tonawanda, lumber market, 140 
Tonnage, all vessels, United States, 
245; coasting vessels. United States, 
Toronto, 298, 299, 302; coal supply, 
Toulouse, 323, 327 
Tourist traffic in Italy, 361, 363 
Cours, 328 
rade, regulation of, 265, 266 
Crain dispatching, 252 
[rans-Siberian Railway, 401 
“ransit trade, Belgian, 334 
"'ransportation, 229-246; aids to, 264 ; 
by canals, 101 ; cattle and meat, 46; 
cities affected by, 222; coal as an 
influence on, 85-87; coast routes, 
243-244; dependent on invention, 
102; early roads, 229; earth roads, 
240-242 ; electric railways, 239, 240; 
express business, 242; fruits and 
vegetables, 130; fundamental, 229; 
Germany, 340-342; government 
ownership, 347; Gulf stream and, 
toz; iron, 63-66; milk, 51; by 
ocean, I0I, I02; ocean routes, 
245, 246; petroleum, 163, 164; 
principle of commercial geography, 
100-102; promoted by government, 
10g; rail and river traffic before 
Civil War, 231, 232; railway exten- 
sion after Civil War, 232; by rivers 
and lakes, 101; safety in, 262-204 ; 
turnpikes and canals, 230, 231; 
valley routes, 100, 101 ; waterways, 
new era, 234-239; wheat, 21 
Transvaal, 418, 420, 421; gold, 175 
I'rebizond, 388 
Trenton, New Jersey, pottery center, 
Triassic coal, 84 
Trieste, coaling station, 87; route 
from Italy, 358; united to Italy, 
361, 374 
Trinidad, asphalt from, 165 
Tripoli, 414 
Trondhjem, 352 ; wheat at, 5 
['roy, collars and cuffs in, 208 
I'ruckee Canal, diversion dam, 195 
Trusts, control of, in Germany, 347 
Tunisia, 413, 421; French colony, 332 
Tunnels, Alpine, 371 
Turin, 358, 361 
Turkestan, Chinese, 397, 401, 440; 
Russian. 26

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