Full text: Commercial geography

Turkey, Asiatic, 384, 385; European, 
382; metric system in, 257; pos 
sessions in Africa, 414 
Turnpikes (1800-1850), 230, 231 
Turpentine, 141, 142 
Two Harbors, iron port, 63 
Typhoid fever, 185-186 
Tyre, 441, 443 
Tyrol, 37x 
Uncompahgre (irrigation) project, 197 
Union of South Africa, 418, 420 
Union Pacific Railway, 232 
United Kingdom, 303-320; African 
possessions, 413; basis of great 
ness, 303, 304; Birmingham (iron) 
74. 305; British Empire, 319-320 
canals, 312; coal fields, 87-89; com- 
merce, 317-319; cotton industry, 
33s 34, 306, 307, 308, 309; English 
agriculture, 305, 306; exports, 282 
fisheries, 310; foreign trade, 281; 
forests, 306; free-trade nation, 268 ; 
Glasgow, 75; grants to steamship 
lines, 264; imports, 283; industrial 
England, 305; Ireland, 316, 317; 
iron, 73-75; metropolitan England, 
304; Middlesbrough, 75; mineral 
industry, 309, 310; Newcastle, 73, 
305, 311; ocean cables belonging 
to, 252, 253; railways, 312; Scot- 
land, 314-316; seaports, 311,312; 
Sheffield (steel), 74; trade with 
United States, 281; Wales, 310; 
wheat, 16; woolen industry, 308, 309 
United States, Appalachian region, 
112-114; Atlantic region, 113; 
Cordilleran highlands, 117, 118; 
Great Lakes region, 116, 117; Gulf 
region, 116; latitude, 111; Mis- 
sissippi basin, 114-116; Pacific 
coast region, 118; physical fea- 
tures, 111; plant products, 120-144; 
position, 111, 113 
Unity of nations promoted by com- 
merce, 447, 448 
Uruguay, 430 
Utah, asphaltite, 165; coal, 84; phos- 
phates, 167; salt, 165; silver, 176; 
sugar beets, 132 
Utica, ancient, 441 
Utica. New York, knit goods in, 208 
Valencia, 364 
Valladolid, 264 
Valparaiso, 429, 431, 435 
Vancouver, 297, 298; cables from, 
253, 407 
Vancouver Island, coal in, 292 
Vanderbilt lines, 232 
Vegetables, 128; preservation, 130; 
transportation, 130, 131 
Venezuela, 432, 433 
Venice, 361; commercial history, 443, 
444; shipping in harbor, 442 
Vera Cruz, 438 
Vermilion, iron ores, 61 
Victoria, British Columbia, 298 
Victoria Falls, 420 
Victoria, Lake, 420 
Vienna, 373 
Vineyards, Lake Geneva, 354 
Virginia, coal, 82, 84; iron, 61; 
tobacco, 136; valley of, 114: water- 
ways, 229 
Vistula River, 336, 341, 371, 372 
Vladivostok, 401 
Volga River, 381 
Vosges Mountains, 321, 357 
Wales, 310; coal fields, 83; roofing 
slates, 310 
Warsaw, 371, 372, 382 
Warwick, Rhode Island, 204 
Wasatch Mountains, 117, 118 
Washington, 222 
Washington state, coal, 84; water 
power, 193, 194 
Water power, 190-194; Canada, 292, 
Water resources of the United States, 
180~201; artesian wells, 183, 184; 
conservation, 181-183; drainage, 
199, 200; floods, 199; ice, 190; irri- 
gation, 195-199; lakes, 184; mineral 
waters, 200, 201; navigation, 190; 
new view of water, 181; rivers, 
185-189; sources of water, 180; 
springs, 183; water power, 1go- 
194; wells, 183 
Water table, the, 180 
Waterford, Ireland, 317 
Waterways, Canada, 300, 301; com- 
mission on, in United States, 201; 
in early days, 229; in Germany, 
340-342, 344; map of interior, in 
United States, 235; new era, 234- 
239. (See Water resources of the 
United States) 
Wax of bees, 1¢4

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