Full text: Commercial geography

Weather Bureau, 247, 262, 263; use 
of telegraph by, 247, 252 
Weights and measures, 256, 257; In- 
ternational Bureau of, 256 
Welland Canal, 237, 238, 301 
Wells, 183 
Weser, the, 341 [169 
Westerly, Rhode Island, granites of, 
Western Union Telegraph Company, 
West Indies, 433, 434; cotton, 27; 
products, 436 
West Riding coal field, 87 
West Virginia, coal, 82, 83 ; iron, 61; 
natural gas, 164; petroleum, 162, 
* Whaleback ” steamers, 11, 12 
Whaling, 159 
Wheat, 1-21; Algiers, 5; Argentina, 
19; Australia, 19; “bonanza” 
farms, 7; breeding, 2; Canada, 
293; China, 19; consumption, 21; 
crop, United States, in 1866 and 
1915, 6; distribution, 1, 2; domes- 
tic trade in, 10; Dondlinger, quoted, 
12; Egyptian, 3; elevators, 11, 
12; Europe, 15-19; experiment 
station, Sitka, 4; export crop, 13; 
exports of United States, 19, 
20; financial importance, 12, 13; 
Fort Simpson, 4; France, 32z; 
© (Genesee country,” 5; harvest, 5, 
6; history, 1; Hungary, 17; India, 
5, 19; Italy, 359; Latin countries, 
17; latitude range, 4, 5; leading 
states, § ©; manufacture, 20; 
methods on farm, 6, 7; Mexico, 4; 
milling centers, 9, 203; milling 
processes, 8, 9; movement of cen- 
ter, United States, 5; North Africa, 
1g; North America, 5, 6; Norway, 
5; Odessa, 18; price, 1870-1920, 
13; production, 20 (world acre- 
age, 16; United States, areas, 3, in 
1870-1920, 13); Russia, 17, 379; 
search for new kinds, 3; in the 
shock, 7: Slav countries, 17; soil 
for, 3; Spain, 364; temperature, 
3, 4; Teutonic countries, 1§; 
threshing, 8; transportation, 21; 
United Kingdom, 16, 306; varie- 
ties. 2: world market, 15; world 
trade in, 18; yield of, per acre, 
White, I. C., quoted, go 
White Mountains, 114 
White Star Line, 312 
Wieliczka, salt beds of, 371 
Wilderness Road, 230 
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, 8o 
Willamette valley, 118 
Wineindustry, Argentina, 428; France, 
323; Italy, 359, 361; United States, 
Winnipeg, 299, 300; manufactures, 
2935; transportation, 301 
Wireless telegraphy, 248, 253, 254 
Wisconsin, cranberries in, 128 
Wolverhampton, 305 
Wood pulp, in United States, 140, 
141; imports of, 144 
Woodwork in Germany, 340 
Wool, Australia, 407, 408, 410; indus- 
try in England, 308, 309; United 
States, 155; use of, compared with 
cotton, 38; world trade in, 308 
Worcester, England, 310 
World’s commerce, 440-448; Atlan- 
tic period, 444, 445; Mediterranean 
period, 440-444; oriental period, 
440; Pacific period, 445; social and 
moral effects of commerce, 446~ 
448; types of commercial expan- 
sion, 445, 446 
Wyoming, petroleum, 162; phos- 
phates, 167; sheep, 146 
Vakima valley (irrigation) project, 198 
Vangtze River, 395, 397, 440 
Varkand, 397, 440 
Yarmouth, 310 
Yemen, 388 
¥okohama, coaling station, 87 
Yorkshire, 308 
¥ oungstown, Ohio, iron, 206 
Yukon region, gold in, 292 
Yuma (irrigation) project, 107 
Zambezi River, 418, 420; basin, 414 
Zanzibar, 413, 421 
Zinc, 177, 309 
Zollverein, 345 
Zurich, 355

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