Full text: War & insurance

Thus a series of monographs was planned consisting for the most 
part of unofficial yet authoritative statements, descriptive or 
historical, which may best be described as about half-way between 
memoirs and blue-books. These monographs make up the main 
body of the work assigned so far. They are not limited to con- 
temporary, war-time studies ; for the economic history of the war 
must deal with a longer period than that of the actual fighting. 
It must cover the years of ¢ deflation’ as well, at least sufficiently 
to secure some fairer measure of the economic displacement than 
is possible in purely contemporary judgements. 
With this phase of the work the editorial problems assumed 
2 new aspect. The series of monographs had to be planned 
primarily with regard to the availability of contributors, rather 
than of source material as in the case of most histories; for the 
contributors themselves controlled the sources. This in turn 
involved a new attitude towards those two ideals which historians 
have sought to emphasize, consistency and objectivity. In order 
to bring out the chief contribution of each writer it was impossible 
to keep within narrowly logical outlines ; facts would have to be 
repeated in different settings and seen from different angles, and 
sections included which do not lie within the strict limits of history ; 
and absolute objectivity could not be obtained in every part. 
Under the stress of controversy or apology, partial views would 
here and there find their expression. But these views are in some 
instances an intrinsic part of the history itself, contemporary 
measurements of facts as significant as the facts with which they 
deal. Moreover, the work as a whole is planned to furnish its 
own corrective ; and where it does not, others will. 
In addition to this monographic treatment of source material, 
a number of studies by specialists is already in preparation, 
dealing with technical or limited subjects, historical or statistical. 
These monographs also partake to some extent of the nature of 
first-hand material, registering as they do the data of history 
close enough to the source to permit verification in ways impossible

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