Object: Maps and information issued as aids to the development of the mineral resources along the Canadian national railways in North-Eastern Canada

Information Regarding Mining Regulations 
Province of Manitoba 
Nore.—The Mineral Resources of Manitoba are owned by the Dominion and are subject to Dominion Mining Regulations. 
The Regulations with reference to quartz mining are as follows: — 
WHO MAY ACQUIRE CLAIMS year, but if the work has been done it may be proved and recorded within 
Any person 18 years of age or over has the right personally, but not six months. ; _, 
through another except under special provisions, to locate and acquire . Adjoining claims, not exceeding eight, may be worked by the owners 
mineral claims. in partnership upon filing with the mining recorder notice of their inten- 
tion and obtaining a certificate to do so. This certificate will allow the 
- SIZE OF CLAIM S : work to be done on any one or more of such claims. 
A rectangular claim not exceeding 1,500 feet in length by 1,500 feet 
in width. TITLE 
A certificate of improvements will be granted when: 
2300, MANNER OF STAKING CLAIMS 500 feet (a) Work to the value of $500 has been performed in development or 
. The claim is marked by a straight location line, not over 1.50 lin $500 paid in lieu thereof. Work does not include buildings or 
in length, at each end of which a legal post should be placed. is line houses but may include survey costs not exceeding $100. 
may be run in any direction, but must be brushed out and blazed; the (bY Poind = vein or lodeion tho claims 
posts to extend three feet above ground, the upper half flattened to a (c) Has had approved survey made at own expense. 
width of four inches; the post at one end of the location line to be or (d) Has posted up conspicuously on claim a copy of plan of the claim 
marked “No. 1” on the flattened side of the post facing No. 2 post, also signed and certified by surveyor and also posted a notice showing: 
marked with the name of the claim, the distance the claim extends to i. Name of claim. 
the right and to the left, the name of the staker, and the date. Right 2aNaine of holder. 
and left are when standing at No. 1 post and facing No. 2 post. At the 3 Intention to apply for certificate of improvements. 
other end of the location line a similar Legal Post No. 2, should be placed ¥. Duis of notice. 
marked on the side facing No. 1 Post, number of post, name of claim, (e) Inserted in a newspaper, approved by mining recorder, a copy 
date, and name of staker. Side lines of the claim are not marked on of such notice for at least sixty days prior to application. This 
the ground, but are parallel to the location line. The location line need notice can be published at any time after the posting of notice 
not be in the centre of the claim. on the claim. 
£) Filed wi o% rs larivinal 
RECORDING (f) 5 J, as mining recorder a copy of surveyor’s origina 
Claim to be recorded within fifteen days after location unless more (2) Filed with mining recorder the form of application for certifi- 
than ten miles from recording office when one additional day is allowed cate of improvements. 
for each ten miles or fraction thereof. 
Any person locating and recording a claim shall not have the right 3 LEASE, REN TAL AND ROYALTY 
to locate another claim in the same mining district either in his own name On issue of certificate of improvements a lease for twenty-one years 
or in the name of another person for his benefit for a period of twenty may be obtained, such lease being renewable for a further twenty-one 
days from the date of such location. years. The rental is $50, payable within three months after issue of 
certificate of improvement. This covers the rental for twenty-one years. 
WORK On renewal for a further twenty-one years the rental is $200. The 
During each year from the date of recording work to the value of royalty is two and one-half per cent. of the value of the products of the 
$100 or payment in lieu thereof of $100 must be performed or paid. location. 
This work must be recorded within fourteen days after expiration of the All ores or minerals mined to be treated and refined in Canada. 
Nore.—For full information obtain a copy of the regulations respecting Quartz Mining Claims 
vssued by the Department of the Interior, Ottawa, Ont. 

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