Full text: War & insurance

Aberconway, Lord, 238. 
Aden, 74. 
Admiralty, British, 11, 20, 30, 31, 33, 52, 
53, 109; and Seamen's War Risk 
Compensation, 38-40. 
Advisory Council for Research, 204-5. 
Agricultural workers, temporary, and 
health insurance, 188-9. 
Aircraft insurance, see FIRE INSURANCE. 
Alcinous v. Nigreu (1854) 4 BE. & B. 217, 
Alderoft, W. H., 101. 
American Civil War, 87. 
Ancient Order of Foresters, 216, 219. 
Annuities, 129-31. 
Argentine, the, 93. 
Asia Minor, 161. 
Asquith, Rt. Hon. H. H. (Lord Oxford 
and Asquith), 19, 232. 
Assurance, see BRITISH LIFE ASSUR- 
ANCE, 1914-18. 
Assurance Companies Act 1909 (9 Edw. 
VII, c. 49), 60, 88, 104, 118. 152, 
157, 158. 
Australia, 47, 48. 
Austria, 82, 90, 160, 163. 
Austria-Hungary, 91. 
Azores, 74. 
Bacon, 48. 
Balfour, Rt. Hon. A. (Earl), 13. 
Balfour of Burleigh, Lord. 13. 
Baltic Sea, 31, 47, 48. 
Beck, Sir R., 67. 
Belgian refugees and health insurance. 
192, 196-7. 
Belgium, 92. 
Bell v. Gilson (1798), L. B. & P. 345. 354, 
Bermuda, 74. 
Black Lists’, 92, 94, 95. 
Black Sea, 31, 47, 48. 
Board of Agriculture, 189. 
Board of Trade: and war risks at sea, 
23, 30, 32, 33, 40; and fire insur- 
ance, 61, 71, 77 ; and life assurance, 
101-68 ; and unemployment insur- 
ance. 229. 232-4. 
Bombardment insurance, see FIsE IN- 
3onuses, 150-8. 
Joursmaker (1808) 13 Vesey 71, 86. 
Brandon v. Curling (1803) 4 East 410, 86. 
3razil, 74, 93. 
Bristoe v. Towers (1794) 6 D. & E., T.R. 
35, 86. 
British Guiana, 74. 
Brrrise Lire ASSURANCE 1914-18, 6, 
introductory : business before the 
war, 103-6; policies and sums 
assured (1873-1913), 105-6. 
frst effects of the war, 107-11; extra 
premiums, 108-11 ; conditional and 
unconditional policies, 108-9. 
the Courts (Emergency Powers) Act 
1914 (4 & 5 Geo. V, c. 78) and its 
effect, 111-16. 
:ontribution by insurance companies 
to the help of the nation in men 
and money, 116-23 ; men, 116-18; 
money—(1) support of foreign ex- 
changes, 119-20, (2) subscription to 
War Loan issues, 120-2, (3) assist- 
ance in the War Savings Certificates 
movement, 122-3, (4) donations to 
Red Cross and similar funds, 123. 
1ew business, 124-8. 
mnuities, 129-31. 
policy loans, 132-3. 
axpenses of management, 133-6. 
war mortality, 136-8, 161. 
taxation (income-tax), 139-47; Re. 
port of Royal Commission, 143-5. 
depreciation of securities, 147-50, 154 
valuations and bonuses, 150-8. 
foreign business, 158-65 ; provisions 
of Treaty of Versailles, 161-3 ; of 
Treaty of Lausanne, 163. 
conclusion, 166-8 ; business after the 
war—policies and sums assured 
(1908-20), 166. 
3ritish Medical Association, 203. 
3ritish Red Cross Society, 123, 191. 
3roomhall, Mr, 49. 
rawr. H.. 101, 136, 154.

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