Full text: War & insurance

202-3 ; sailors’ and soldiers’ depen- 
dants, 203 ; approved societies and 
the War Loans, 204; maintenance 
of medical supplies, 204; Medical 
Research Committee, 204-5. 
problems of armistice period, 205-6. 
effect of the war on approved socie- 
ties : valuation results, 206-7, 224 ; 
membership, 207, 223; surpluses, 
208, 211 ; sickness, 208-9, 223, 224 ; 
disablement, 209, 223, 224 ; mater- 
aity benefit, 209, 225; mortality, 
210, 225; contribution income, 
210-11 ; interest, 211; conclusion, 
tables of membership, expenditure, 
valuations, benefit claims, and mor- 
tality of approved societies, 223-5. 
friendly Societies, 197, 204, 212-21: 
introduction, 212-14; position of 
the enlisted member, 214-19 ; effects 
of war conditions, 219-21. 
National Health Insurance (Amendment 
Acts) 1915 (5 Geo. V, co. 27 & 29), 
176, 179, 187. 
National Health Insurance Act 1918 
(1 & 8 Geo. V, o. 62), 176, 178,190. 
National Health Insurance Act 1919 
(9 & 10°Geo. V, c. 36), 194. 
National Health Insurance Act 1920 
(10 & 11 Geo. V, c. 10), 184, 195. 
National Health Insurance (Prolongation 
of Insurance) Act 1921 (11 & 12 
Geo. V, c. 66), 212. 
National Industrial Conference, 240. 
National Insurance Act 1911 (1 & 2 
(Jeo. V, c. 55), 171, 175, 177, 186, 
193, 206; (Part II: Unemploy- 
ment), 229, 240, 243. 
National Insurance (Part I Amendment) 
Act 1917 (7 & 8 Geo. V, o. 15), 
179, 180, 182, 233. 
National Insurance (Part IIL: Munition 
Workers) Act 1916 (6 & 7 Geo. V. 
c. 20), 232, 243. 
National Insurance (Navy and Army) 
Act 1914 (4 & 5 Geo. V, c. 81), 175; 
Session 2 (5 Geo. V, c. 15), 176. 
National Insurance (Temporary Em- 
ployment in Agriculture) Act 1916 
(6 & 7 Geo. V, c. 53), 189. 
National Relief Fund, 203. 
NarroNarn Savings MOVEMENT, 253-75. 
contributions by Life Assurance Com- 
panies. 122-3. 
Parliamentary War Savings Move- 
ment, 254; the Montagu Com- 
mittee (Committee on War Loans 
for the Small Investor), 254; re- 
sommendations as to propaganda 
and organization, 257; formation 
of the National (War) Savings Com- 
mittee, 258 ; its activities, 254 8a. ; 
Scottish and Irish Committees, 258. 
Nar Savings Certificates (1916), 254- 
5: exemption from tax, 255; in- 
come limit, 255-6 ; limit of number, 
256 ; certificates registered, 256; 
zenerally not transferable, 256 ; 
savings banks deposits, 257 ; rate 
of interest, 267. 
wthivities of the War Savings Com- 
mittee, 122-3: War Loan (1917), 
259 ; food economy, 259 ; National 
War Bonds, 259-60; recommends 
permanent continuance of Savings 
Certificates, 260. 
Savings movement: organization of 
Savings Associations, 261 sqq. ; use 
of purchase money for Housing 
finance, &c., 262-3; concern of 
Local Authorities, 264 ; expenses of 
administration, 267-8; report of 
Committee on National Savings, 
wchemes of Savings Associations, 269 
sqq. ; saving by instalments, 269- 
70; savings stamps, 270-1. 
sost and interest of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd 
geries of certificates, 271-5. 
Jational War Bonds, see NATIONAL SAv- 
{aval and Military Dependants (Medical 
Treatment) Committee, 203. 
Vavy and Army Insurance Fund, 175, 
176-17, 186, 193 ; administration of 
benefits, 178-9; growth. 222. 
Year East, 161. 
{etherlands, 93. 
New York Life Insurance v. Statham 
(1876) 93 U.S. Reports Supreme 
Court 24, 87. 
SJewfoundland, 74. 
North of England Protecting and In- 
demnity Association, 18, 25, 
Norway, 93, 120. 
Nurses (army), temporary, and health 
insurance, 192. 
Dut-of-work donation scheme (‘doles’), 
6. 205. 236-40, 247-9.

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