Full text: War & insurance

Unemployment Ingurance Act 1916 
(6 & 7 Geo. V, c. 20), 243. , 
Unemployment Insurance Act 1920 (10 
& 11 Geo. V, c. 30), 239, 240, 241, 
242; amending Acts 1920-5, 240-7. 
Jnemployment Insurance Sub-Com- 
mittee of the Labour Resettlement 
Committee, 236. 
‘Union Belge’, 196. ’ 
Inited States, 38, 52, 81, 82, 83, 94, 103. 
Inited Workers Society, 253. 
Jruguav, 93. 
Submarine warfare, 11, 25, 38, 42, 52, 53. 
Suffragist movement, 60. 
Sugar, 48. 
Sutherland, Duke of, 13. 
Sweden, 74, 82, 93, 120. 
Switzerland, 74. 120. 
Taxation (income-tax), see BRITISH LIFE 
ASSURANCE, 1914-18. 
Tea, 48. 
Tingley v. Miller (1017) 2 Ch. 144; 116 
L.T.R. 482, 95. 
Tobacco, 47. 
Tonnage, 29, 47. 
Trade unions and the War Loans, 204 ; 
and unemployment, 230-1, 239, 241. 
Trading with the enemy, see FIRE IN- 
Tramp tonnage, 29. 
Transvaal Republic, 89. 
Treasury Committee on indemnity 
against war risks at sea, 16 sqq. 
Tribunals, Military, 118. 
Tuberculous sailors and soldiers, 182-4, 
Turkey, 161, 163. 
Valuations and bonuses, 150-8. 
7ersailles, Treaty of, 161-3. 
Vladivostock. 74. 
War Bond Insurance Policies, 121. 
Nar Bonds, 269. 
Nar Contingency funds, 149. 
Nar Loans, 120-2, 127-8, 204, 269. 
Nar mortality, 136-8, 161, 210, 
Nar Mutual Liability Fund, 217, 219. 
Nar Office, 109. 
Nar Pensions Committees, 184, 203. 
Nar Risk Mutual Insurance Associa- 
tions (or War Risk Clubs), 18, 19, 
21 sqq., 25, 26 sqq., 3842. 
WAR Risks ar Ska. 
War Savings, see NATIONAL SAVINGS 
‘War workers’ and health insurance, 
Webb, Sidney, 250. 
West Indies, 74. 
Nheat, 14, 47, 48, 77-8. 
Willison v. Patterson (1817) 7 Taunton 
439, 86. 
Women, 80, 135, 188-92, 207, 209, 223-5. 
233, 236, 237, 241. 
Wool, 77-8. 
Workmen's Compensation Act 1906 (6 
Edw. VII, c. 58), 187, 188. 
Workmen’s Compensation Act, and Sea- 
men’s War Risk Compensation. 38- 
‘WAR AND AFTER, 6, 212, 229-50. 
insured trades, 229, 230, 232-3, 240. 
sontributions and benefits. 229-30. 
240 8qq. 
Labour (Employment) Exchanges, 
229-30, 234, 237, 238, 241. 
anemployment percentages, 230-1, 
239, 241-2. 
smergency grants, 230-1. 
henefit paid 1913-18, 231; 1918-25. 
239, 244-6. . 
munition and other workers, 232-3. 
women, 233, 236, 237, 241. 
2x-service men, 233, 236-40; civil 
war workers, 234-9. 
out-of-work donation (‘doles’), 6, 205, 
236-40, 247-9. 
sovenanted and ‘uncovenanted bene- 
fits’, 243-6, 248. 
conclusion. 247-50. 
Printed in England af the UNIVERSITY PRESS, OXFORD 
Ruy John Jobneon Printer to the University

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