Full text: War & insurance

Economic and Social Effects of the War upon Greece, by Professor 
A. Andreades. 
Bibliographical Survey of the Economic and Social Problems of the War, 
by Professor Vincenzo Porri, with an introduction on the collection and 
use of the documents of the War, by Comm. Eugenio Casanova. 
“The Economic Legislation of the War, by Professor Alberto De’ Stefani. 
Agricultural Production in Italy, 1914-19, by Professor Umberto Ricci. 
The Agricultural Classes in Italy during the War, by Professor Arrigo 
“Food Supply and Rationing, by Professor Riccardo Bachi; and Food 
Supply of the Italian Army, by Professor Gaetano Zingali. 
War-Time Finances, by Professor Luigi Einaudi. 
Cost of the War to Italy, by Professor Luigi Einaudi. 
Currency Inflation in Italy and its Effects on Prices, Incomes, and Foreign 
Exchanges, by Professor Pasquale Jannaccone. 
*Vital Statistics and Public Health in Italy during and after the War, by 
Professor Giorgio Mortara. 
The Italian People during and after the War: A Social Survey, by 
Professor Gioacchino Volpe. 
“Social and Economic Life in+Piedmont as affected by the War, by 
Professor Giuseppe Prato. 
*War Finances in the Netherlands up to 1918, by Dr. M. J. van der Flier. 
The Effect of the War upon Supplies and upon Dutch Agriculture, by 
Dr. F. E. Posthuma. : 
The Effect of the War upon the Dutch Manufacturing Industry, by 
Mr. C. J. P. Zaalberg, 
The Effect of the War upon Dutch Commerce and Navigation, by Mr. E. P. 
De Monchy. 
The Effect of the War upon Prices, Wages, and the Cost of Living, by 
Professor Dr. H. W. Methorst. 
The Effect of the War upon Banking and Currency. by Dr. G. Vissering 
and Dr. J. Westerman Holstyn. 
Che Effect of the War upon the Dutch Colonies, by Professor Dr. J. H. 
Carpentier Alting and Mr. de Cock Buning. 
The Effect of the War upon the Housing Problem. 1914-22, by Dr. H. J. 
War Finances in the Netherlands, 1918-22. The Costs of the War. By 
Professor Dr. H. W. C. Bordewvek. 
Influence of the War upon Production of Raw Materials in Japan, by Mr. 
Influence of the War upon Japanese Industry, by Mr. Ogawa. 
Influence of the War upon Japanese Commerce and Trade, by Mr. 

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