Full text: War & insurance

Prices and Wages in the United Kingdom, 1914-1920, by Arthur L. 
Bowley, Se.D. 
A Manual of Archive Administration, including the Problems of War 
Archives and Archive Making, by Hilary Jenkinson. 
The Cotton Control Board, by Hubert D. Henderson, M.A. 
Bibliographical Survey of Contemporary Sources for the Economic and 
Social History of the War, by M. E. Bulkley. 
Labour Supply and Regulation, by Humbert Wolfe. 
The British Coal-Mining Industry during the War, by Sir Richard A. S. 
Food Production in War, by Sir Thomas Hudson Middleton. 
Workshop Organization, by G. D. H. Cole. 
Trade Unionism and Munitions, by G. D. H. Cole. 
Labour in the Coal-Mining Industry, by G. D. H. Cole. } 
Experiments in State Control at the War Office and the Ministry of Food, 
by E. M. H. Lloyd. 
Industries of the Clyde Valley during the War, by W. R. Scott and J. 
Rural Scotland during the War; A Series of Studies under the direction 
of Professor W, R. Scott. 
British Archives in Peace and War, by Dr. Hubert Hall. 
British War Budgets and Financial Policy, by Mr. F. W. Hirst and Mr. 
J. E. Allen. 
General History of British Shipping during the War, by Mr. C. Ernest 
The War and Insurance. A series of studies: Life Insurance, by Mr. 
S. G. Warner ; Fire Insurance, by Mr. A. E. Sich and Mr. S. Preston ; 
Shipping Insurance, by Sir Norman Hill; Friendly Societies and 
Health Insurance, by Sir Alfred Watson ; Unemployment Insurance, 
by Sir William Beveridge ; with an additional section on the National 
Savings Movement, by Sir William Schooling. 
(In English) 
Financial Policy of Czecho-Slovakia during the First Year of its History, 
bv Alois Ragin. - 
(In French) 
Bibliographie générale de la guerre, by Camille Bloch. 
Le Probléme du Régionalisme, by Professor Henri Hauser. 
Le Contrdle du Ravitaillement de la population civile, by MM. Adolphe 
Pichon and Pierre Pinot. 
L’Agriculture pendant la guerre, by M. Michel Augé-Laribé, 
Les Industries textiles, by M. Albert Aftalion. 
L’Industrie francaise pendant la guerre, by M. Arthur Fontaine. 
Les Forces hydro-électriques, by M. Raoul Blanchard. 
Les Formes du gouvernement de guerre, by M. Pierre Renouvin.

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