Full text: War & insurance

{ 15) 
La Main-d’ceuvre étrangére et coloniale, by M. B. Nogaro and Lt.-Col. 
La Santé et le travail des femmes pendant la guerre, by M. Marcel Frois. 
La Navigation intérieure en France pendant la guerre, by M. Georges 
Pocard de Kerviler. 
Les Finances de guerre de la France, by M. Henri Truchy. 
Les Dépenses de guerre de la France, by M. Gaston Jéze. 
Le mouvement des prix et des salaires durant la guerre en France, by 
M. Lucien March. 
Politique et Fonctionnement des Transports par Chemin de Fer, by M. 
Marcel Peschaud. 
L’Afrique du Nord, by M. Augustin Bernard. 
Etudes d’Histoire locale : 
Paris, by MM. Henri Sellier, Bruggeman, and Poéte. 
Lyon, by M. Edouard Herriot. 
Marseille, by M. Paul Masson. 
Rouen, by M. J. Levainville. 
Bordeaux, by M. Paul Courteault. 
Bourges, by M. Claude-Joseph Gignoux. 
Tours, bv MM. Michel Lhéritier and Camille Chautemps. 
Irarran Series 
(In Italian) 
La salute pubblica in Italia durante e dopo la guerra, by Professor Giorgio 
Il Piemonte e gli effetti della guerra sulla sua vita economica e sociale, 
by Professor Giuseppe Prato. 
La Legislazione della Guerra, by Professor Alberto de Stefani. 
L’Alimentazione e la Politica Annonaria in Italia, by Professor Riccardo 
Bachi, con una Appendice su Il Rifornimento dei Viveri dell’ Esercito 
Italiano, by Professor Gaetano Zingali. 
(In English) 
War Finances in the Netherlands up to 1918, by M. J. van der Flier, 
(In Swedish) 
“Economic Effects of the War upon Sweden : 
General Introduction, by Professor Eli F. Heckscher. 
The Effect of the War upon Swedish Agriculture and Food Supply, by 
Mr. Carl Mannerfelt. 
The Effect of the War upon Swedish Industry, by Mr. Olof Edstrom. 
The Swedish Workman and the Great War, by Mr. Olof Ekblom. 
War-Time Unemployment and its Relief. bv Mr. Otto Jirte and Mr. 
Fabian von Koch. 
The Housing Situation during the War, by Mr. K. G. Tham. 
The Effect of the War upon Currency and Finance, by Professor Eli 
F. Heckscher. 
The War and Swedish Commerce, by Mr. Kurt Bergendal.

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