Full text: Sierra Leone

No. 20. 
Despatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the 
Governor of Sierra Leone. 
17th October. 1927. 
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of Mr. Luke's 
despatch of the 23rd September,* transmitting, for the signification 
of His Majesty's pleasure, copies of the Legal Status of Slavery 
(Abolition) Ordinance, 1927. 
2.1 am gratified to learn of the harmonious passage of this 
important Ordinance, and I note with peculiar pleasure the loyal 
and public-spirited attitude adopted by the Paramount Chiefs in 
the Council towards a measure which was admittedly in conflict 
with their personal interests. 
3. I need hardly add that His Majesty will not be advised to 
exercise his power of disallowance with regard to the Ordinance. 
I have, etc., 
(for the Secretary of State) 
(1020—1) Wt 20346-1972 100 2/28 H.St. G.3

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