Full text: Internal revenue laws in force April 1, 1927

february 24, 1919 (40 Stat., 1057) (“Revenue P 
Act of 19:8”)—~Continued. age 
Section 601 Loo... vee. 287 
Section 6 .. em mm m————————awe D3 
Jection 8...  iecieiicccemcacaneeae 88 
section € mec m——————— 82 
section € e emmmecceceemecm—a—eeae 82 
ICON FF  .cvvivomunmmmnenmmammen samme £ 
Section ¢ © mr es A SR RE 10a 
Section ¢ 0 4 
Section € cone ceccecccccccece 
Sections © 612 co iiocicecmmemenaa $71 
3eCtion 6 on aeeee ices 
Bection € ceiimsmmrnsnram eee 
BE0LI0N BB evn srr m min 
3eCtion 6" vent cece 
3eCtiON 6). meme memmemmanaan 272, 
Section 618... eee eecemmeaaem - 
Sections 619-622... oem. 276 
Bection B28 ...cuuus mim cnummmmmns sR 
Section 624... oes 
Section 625. . «cee meee 
Section 626. . evo eccemaceen- 
Section 627 cuca 
Sections 828-830. . cousin mmmpmmnn samme 
Section 700. «coco eee 
Sections 701,702 oc ooo... 414. 
Sections 702, 703 ccm c oo eeeceeeeaaa 
Section 704. oncecceeecememcemecaeemee A 
Sections 800-802 - coo ooo. 449,45 
Sections 900-907 - - ooo ieee... 462-466 
Section 10 "eee een. eae ° 
Section 10 Y. ooo. oC 
Section 100} (12) eevee eee —- 
Section 1007 «mooie eee 
Baction 1008. .cccvomrenins wan imams sew 
Section 1004 coo ___ in w 
Section 1005. . o-oo... ceeee 123 
Section 1006... ....___. .-. 149,366 
Sections 1006-1009_..__. __ 356-368 
Sections 1100-1107 ____..... ...... .. 521,522 
Schedule Ace vmoeeeeeeeeao. 323-526 
Sections 1200-1207 - - ooo e env eeeeea. 87.488 
Section 1300. occ ceaeeeaee 2 
Sections 1300-1320. - oo _.o...... 991-908 
Section 1201 (0). .cxssvivmmmsnnmmsimmsmnnss : 
Section 1301 (b)--... mmm 2 
Section 1304. cco aceeeeaa- 383 
Section 1400... ooo ceao-.. 328 
Sections 1400-1409... _... meae- 9901001 
Section 1407.___. '082 
Section 1408. __. ea. 27 
February 25, 1919, section 4 (40 Stat., 1157)... 158 
February 26, 1919 (40 Stat., 1181) ____.._..._. 215 
March 1, 1919 (40 Stat, 1224) _._________._._ .317 
March 1, 1919, section 11 (40 Stat., 1270) ..... 441 
March 3, 1919 (40 Stat., 1292)" 
Section 6. 
Section 7__._.._. 
March 3, 1919 (40 &+-*.. 
Sections 1, { 
Section 4._...___. 
\{arch 4. 1919 section + 
une 10, 1921 (42 Stat., 20) (Budget and Ac- 
=ounting Act of 1921)—Continued. Page 
Sections 206, 207 ....--. ceeeme---a 1397,1398 
Section 209. meae—a-a 1398 
Section 211__. _. wanna 1008 
Sections 2 _-216.... ----. 1398, 1399 
Section 301... ceee-ao 1400 
Section 304... ---- 1400, 1402 
Section 305... ieeemeewo 140% 
Sections 306, 50/7 -. cemeo-- 1400, 240: 
Section 308... oe GEER. DAY 
Section 309... teeremea---- 1401 
Sections 312, 313... mena 1401, 1402 
June 16, 1921 (42 Stat., 37). cc oan. 18 
August 24, 1921, sections 1-4 (42 Stat., 187). 484, 485 
October 14, 1921 (42 Stat., 205). occ cecccaaa. 397 
November 17, 1921 (42 Stat, 220). ._.._..... 1258 
November 23, 1921 (42 Stat., 222) (“‘Sup. to 
National Prohibition Act”): 
Sections 1-6... ---. 1055,1059 
Bection 8. .cossspmruesemmmvmuse ws 1287s Y204 
Jovember 23, 1921 (42 Stat., 227) (‘““ Revenue 
vet of 19217): 
Sections 1, 2. cco aiccccacacee-.. 978 
Sections 200-96. _ o_o .oeeooeo___.__ "55-660 
Sections 210-07 oc ococeeaceemao. .- 61-689 
Sections 250- 3. ccecooaoooo_-.-.. 589-698 
Sections 300-305. - ceo cceceeee neem. 698-699 
Section 312. ccc. ceeecicicccecaeeee B99 
Section 320. «ocean 599 
Sections 325-328. ccceccccaciccao.--. 69¢ 701 
Section BBL... .usnsnssrsmmmsessaens SRESEE “1 
Sections 335-338. occas een 2 
Sections 400-411. _ _ ___._________._..._. 8F& 
Jections 500-502. _ ooo eccacaaas 
BR0LI0N BL 2s cummin ~ emma 
Section B01... ..cccinann-scsvensmn senses 
Sections 602, 603 -- «cco ool 
Section 700. ....--  mmmmmmmm—a 
Section 701... remmmmme—a- 
Section 703. coe. mmceimma———— 
Section 704. _______._. HR mR RRR 
Sections 800-802. _.._... ooo... 
3ections 9C™-906. __ _.__. 
Section 100 __.. cea 
Section 1061. .c.vumneacnnnns 
Section 1001 (12) ecu... — 
Section 10C. _... eee cecmcemmccem—aa 
Section 1CCL__. —- _. 
Section 1004... oo 123 
Section 1005... 148, 364 
Sections 1005-1007. 364-366 
Sections 1100-1107. ieee-- D16-518 
Schedule A__._..... remcmaea 18-521 
Sections 1200-1207. ___ iemmmeeea- IB5HKT 
Sections 1300-1332. cemeemaemee JTT-987 
Section 1319. _______. mmeemeaee 107 
Sections 1400-1404. ._.__.__.. ._...__.. 988 
December 15, 1921 (42 Stat., 337) ee 16 
Tebruary 17, 1922 (42 Stat., 366) -.. 1183 
february 17, 1922 (42 Stat., 375) .. 14,268 
viarch 20, 1922 (42 Stat., 454). ——- 14 
viay 11, 1922 (42 Stat., 541). -- H4 
Viay 26, 1922 (42 Stat., 59). wee 70 
‘une 1, 1922 (42 Stat., 611)... oe 14 
une 10, 1922 (42 Stat., 634, _. -. 119 
‘une 10, 1922 (42 Stat., 635) _... ee 1c8 
‘une 13, 1922 (42 Stat, 650) . ooo oeeeea. .. 383 
‘une 19, 1922 (42 Stat., 662) (J. R.) cocoa. 414 
fuly 1, 1922 42 Stat., 775) cee eee ceceeae 14 
September 19, 1922 (42 Stat., 849). _.......... 1145 
September 21, 1922 (42 Stat.. 858) (‘Tariff 
Act of 1922"): 
Title I (pars. 801-814)... ......... 1097, 1098 
Title II1— 
Section 301... ...... ve--- 383 
SectioD 302. ic ce eeeeeeecmceeaaa 38] 
Section 30). coca eeececeaaa. 302 
Section 311. oo oooem ooo. 434,902 
Section 213__.. mien 304 
Section 314. EU | 
Title IV— 
Section 401. cana 
Section 492. Lo aaaoaas 
Sections 496,497... oeeeeeeeeeeeaa 
Section 499... oie 
Section 508. Lo cveccececeraneaa . 
Section 511. evcccmceeeaaeanaa PELL 
Jections £7 1100 i 01 
. 1003 
eeememea- 1004 
1348)._.... 377, 
378, 379, 381 
July 11, 1919 (41 Stat., 37} FP b.74" 
July 19, 1919, section 4 (41 Stat., 233) ____.__._ 1297 
Detober 28, 1919 (41 Stat.. ™*5) (‘National 
°rohibition Act’): 
Title I, sections 1-7. . 1016-1018 
Title II, sections 1-7 . 1018-1049 
Title III, sections 1-¢ - 1050-1054 
March 6, 1920 (41 Stat., 5 . I ie 
April 16, 1920 (41 Stat., 55... ....._. oa 1127 
May 21, 1920, section 7 (41 “*at _ R13) ______ 42° 
May 29, 1920 (41 Stat., 650 . rn. 
May 29, 1920 (41 Stat., 633. —— 
May 29, 1920 (41 Stat., 676.. mmm 
june 5, 1920 (41 Stat., 883) _ ooo. iceman 
june 5, 1920, section 3 (41 Srat.. M5 nna 
lune 5, 1920 (41 Stat., 1024) _.._ wk 
March 1, 1921 (41 Stat, 116° .. eee 
March 3, 1921 (41 Stat., 127" .. enn 
March 3, 1921 (41 Stat., 12: _coomooooo__ 
March 3, 1921 (41 Stat., 129¢, _ ooo oman. 
March 4, 1921 (41 Stat., 1374) . .__ oo... 
une 10, 1921 (42 Stat., 20) (Budget and Ace 
wunting Act of 1921): 
Sections 201-203___ _.. 
Section 204... _.. _.... 
meeee--e. 1396, 1397 
Cmemeaes 1495

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