Full text: Internal revenue laws in force April 1, 1927

shall be held to be mixed flour within the meaning of 
this act. 
Articles 1 and 2, Regulations 25 (revised 1918), amended. 
('r, D. 3234.) 
“Pancake” and “Compound” flours are classed as 
“mixed flour” if wheat flour is principal ingredient. 
(PT. D. 971.) 
632 Sec. 37. That every person, firm, or corporation mak- 
_Fackages,ing, packing, or repacking mixed flour shall plainly mark 
2% or brand each package containing the same with the 
words “mixed flour” in plain black letters not less than 
two inches in length, together with the true weight of 
such package, the names of the ingredients composing the 
same, the name of the maker or packer, and the place 
where made or packed. In addition thereto, such maker 
or packer shall place in each package a card not smaller 
than two inches in width by three inches in length, upon 
which shall be printed the words *“ mixed flour,” together 
with the names of the ingredients composing the same, 
and the name of the maker or packer, and the place where 
made or packed. Any person, firm, or corporation mak- 
ing, packing, or repacking mixed flour hereunder, failing 
to comply with the provisions of this section, shall be 
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction 
shall be punished by a fine of not less than two hundred 
and fifty dollars and not more than five hundred dollars, 
or be imprisoned not less than sixty days nor more than 
one year. 
Articles 12-16, Regulations 25 (revised 1918). 
833 Skc. 38. That all sales and consighments of mixed flour 
shall be in packages not before used for that purpose; and 
p (635) every person, firm, or corporation knowingly selling or 
acter. 0 OF offering for sale any mixed flour in other than marked 
and branded packages, as required by the provisions of 
this act relating to the manufacture and sale of mixed 
flour, or who packs in any package or packages any 
mixed flour in any manner contrary to the provisions re- 
lating to the manufacture and sale of mixed flour of this 
act, or who falsely marks or brands any package or 
packages containing mixed flour, or unlawfully removes 
such marks or brands, shall, for each such offense, be 
punished by a fine of not less than two hundred and fifty 
dollars and not more than five hundred dollars, or by 
imprisonment not less than thirty days nor more than 
one year. 
Sec. 39. That in addition to the branding and marking 
of mixed flour as herein provided, there shall be affixed 
to the packages containing the same a label in the follow- 
ing words: “ Notice—The (manufacturer or packer, as 
the case may be) of the mixed flour herein contained has 
complied with all the requirements of law. Every per- 
son 1s cautioned not to use this package or label again or 
Cards in pack 

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