Full text: Internal revenue laws in force April 1, 1927

to remove the contents without destroying the revenue 
stamp thereon, under the penalty prescribed by law in 
such cases.” Kvery person, firm, or corporation failing 
or neglecting to affix such label to any package contain- 
ing mixed flour made or packed by him or them, or who 
removes from any such package any label so affixed, shall, 
apon conviction thereof, be fined not less than fifty dol- 
lars for each label so removed. 
"See sec. 38 (sec. 633, U. S. C.).] 
Sec. 40. That barrels or other packages in which mixed 
dour may be packed shall contain not to exceed one hun- 
dred and ninety-six pounds; that upon the manufacture 
and sale of mixed flour there shall be levied a tax of four 
cents per barrel or other package containing one hundred 
and ninety-six pounds or more than ninety-eight pounds; 
two cents on every half barrel or other package contain- 
ing ninety-eight pounds or more than forty-nine pounds; 
one cent on every quarter barrel or other package con- 
taining forty-nine pounds or more than twenty-four and 
one-half. pounds; and one-half cent on every one-eighth 
barrel or other package containing twenty-four and a 
half pounds or less, to be paid by the person, firm, or cor- 
poration making or packing said flour. The tax levied 
by this section shall be represented by coupon stamps, 
and the provisions of existing laws governing the en- 
graving, issue, sale, accountability, effacement, and de- 
struction of stamps relating to tobacco and snuff shall, so 
far as applicable, be made to apply to stamps provided 
in this section: Provided, That when mixed flour, on the 
manufacture and sale of which the tax herein imposed 
has been paid, is sold and then repacked without the ad- 
dition of any other material, such repacked flour shall 
not be liable to any additional tax; but the packages con- 
taining such repacked flour shall be branded or marked 
as required by the provisions of section thirty-seven of 
this act, and shall contain the card provided for in sec- 
tion thirty-seven hereof; and in addition thereto the 
person, firm, or corporation repacking mixed flour shall 
place on the packages containing the same a label in the 
following words: “ Notice.—The contents of this pack- 
age have been taken from a regular statutory package. 
upon which the tax has been duly paid.” Any person 
violating the provisions of this section shall, upon con- 
viction thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than two 
hundred and fifty dollars and not more than five hundred 
dollars. or by imprisonment not to exceed one year. 
Cartons or other small unstamped packages in original 
packages, see articles 22-25, Regulations 25 (revised 1918). 
Supplement No. 1 to Regulations 25 (1918) concerning 
cancellation of tax-paid stamps; articles 18 and 19 amended 
to permit cancellation by perforation. (T. D. 2761.) 
pax on prod- 
Joupon stamps. 
Laws applica 
Repacked, not 
axa hle. 

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