Full text: Internal revenue laws in force April 1, 1927

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or, if stained, cotton that is below the grade of Middling, 
che grades mentioned being of the official cotton standards 
of the United States, or cotton that is less than seven- 
gighths of an inch in length of staple, or cotton of perished 
staple or of immature staple, or cotton that is “gin cut” or 
reginned, or cotton that is “ repacked ” or “ false packed ” or 
“mixed packed” or “water packed,” shall not be deliv- 
ered on, under, or in settlement of such contract. 
Sixth. Provide that all tenders of cotton under such 
contract shall be the full number of bales involved 
therein, except that such variations of the number of 
bales may be permitted as is necessary to bring the total 
weight of the cotton tendered within the provisions of the 
contract as to weight; that, on the fifth business day 
prior to delivery, the person making the tender shall give 
to the person receiving the same written notice of the 
date of delivery, and that, on or prior to the date so 
fixed for delivery, and in advance of final settlement of 
the contract, the person making the tender shall fur- 
nish to the perso receiving the same a written notice 
or certificate stating the grade of each individual bale 
to be delivered and, by means of marks or numbers, 
identifying each bale with its grade. 
jJendersandset- Seventh. [Amended by sec. 6, act of March 4, 1919 (40 
established classi. S2at., 1350).] Provide that all tenders of cotton and set- 
Beations, ete. _tlements therefor under such contract shall be in accord- 
ys ’ . . . 
received. ance with the classification thereof made under the regula- 
tions of the Secretary of Agriculture by such officer or 
officers of the Government as shall be designated for the 
purpose, and the costs of such classification shall be fixed, 
assessed, collected, and paid as provided in such regula- 
tions. All moneys collected as such costs may be used as 
a revolving fund.for carrying out the purposes of this 
subdivision, and section nineteen of this act is amended 
Prior to the amendment of March 4, 1919, the seventh 
paragraph read as follows: 
Seventh, Provide that, in case a dispute arises between 
che person making the tender and the person receiving the 
same, as to the classification of any cotton tendered under 
the contract, either party may refer the question of the 
true classification of said cotton to the Secretary of Agri- 
culture for determination, and that such dispute shall be 
referred and determined, and the costs thereof fixed, as- 
sessed, collected, and paid in such manner and in accordance 
with such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by 
‘he Secretary of Agriculture. 
The provisions of the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and 
seventh subdivisions of this section shall be deemed fully 
incorporated into any such contract if there be written 
or printed thereon, or on the memorandum evidencing 
the same, at or prior to the time the same is signed, the 
phrase “subject to United States Cotton Futures Act, sec- 
tion five.”

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