Full text: Internal revenue laws in force April 1, 1927

The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to pre- Regulations. 
scribe regulations for carrying out the purposes of the , . ..... of 
seventh subdivision of this section, and the certificates of certificates ot clas- 
the officers of the Government as to the classification of jocation as evi: 
any cotton for the purposes of said subdivision shall be 
accepted in the courts of the United States in all suits 
between the parties to such contract, or their privies, as 
prima facie evidence of the true classification of the cot- 
ton involved. 
The last paragraph is published above as amended by 
section 6, act of March 4, 1919 (40 Stat., 1352). Prior to 
the amendment it read as follows: 
The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to prescribe 
rules and regulations for carrying out the purposes of the 
seventh subdivision of this section, and his findings, upon any 
dispute referred to him under said seventh subdivision, 
made after the parties in interest have had an opportunity 
to be heard by him or such officer, officers, agent, or agents, 
of the Department of Agriculture as he may designate, 
shall be accepted in the courts of the United States in all 
suits between such parties, or their privies, as prima facie 
svidence of the true classification of the cotton involved. 
Disputes arising upon delivery of cotton made upon con- 
tract under this section must be settled bv the courts. (T 
D. 2177.) 
Skc. 6. [Act of March 4. 1919 (40 Stat.. 1350).  Ee- 
tract. | 
The foregoing amendments to section five of said act 
shall become effective on and after the approval of this 
act, but nothing herein shall be construed to diminish 
any authority conferred on any official of the United 
States necessary to enable him to carry out any duties 
remaining to be performed by him under said act as 
unamended, or to impair the effect of such act as to any 
contract subject to its provisions entered into prior to 
the effective date of said amendments, or to impair the 
effect of the findings of the Secretary of Agriculture 
upon any dispute referred to him under said section five 
as unamended. 
The amendments referred to above are those made to the 
fifth, seventh and last paragraphs of section 5. act of 
August 11, 1916. 
Sec. 6. [Amended by act of February 26, 1927 (44 736 
Stat., 1248).] That for the purposes of section 5 of this Mode of deter. 
J . . mining differ- 
act the differences above or below the contract price which ences to be paid 
the receiver shall pay for cotton of grades above or below [2 Settlement of 
. o e- 
the basis grade in the settlement of a contract of sale for livery ‘of cotton 
the future delivery of cotton shall be determined by the basis grade. 
actual commercial differences in value thereof upon the 
sixth business day prior to the day fixed, in accordance 
with the sixth subdivision of section 5, for the delivery 
of cotton on the contract, established by the sale of spot 
cotton in the spot markets of not less than five places 
designated for the purpose from time to time by the 
Effect of amend: 
ments. ete.

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