Full text: Internal revenue laws in force April 1, 1927

fine-cut shorts, the refuse of fine-cut chewing tobacco, refuse scraps, clippings, 
cuttings, and sweepings of tobacco, may be sold in bulk as material, and with- 
out the payment of tax, by one manufacturer directly to another manufacturer, 
or for export, under such restrictions, rules, and regulations as the Commis- 
sioner of Internal Revenue may prescribe: And provided further, That wood, 
metal, paper, or other materials may be used separately or in combination for 
packing tobacco, snuff, and cigars, under such regulations as the Commissioner 
of Internal Revenue may establish.” 
Sec. 702. That upon all the articles enumerated in section 700 or 701, which 
were manufactured or imported, and removed from factory or customhouse 
on or prior to the date of the passage of this act, and upon which the tax 
imposed by existing law has been paid, and which are, on the day after the 
passage of this act, held by any person and intended for sale, there shall be 
levied, assessed, collected, and paid a floor tax equal to the difference between 
(a) the tax imposed by this act upon such articles according to the class in 
which they are placed by this title, and (b) the tax imposed upon such articles 
by existing law other than section 403 of the Revenue Act of 1917. 
Seo. 704. That section 35 of the act entitled “An act to provide revenue, 
equalize duties and encourage the industries of the United States, and for 
other purposes,” approved August 5, 1909, be, and is hereby, repealed, to take 
effect April 1, 1919. 
That section 3360 of the Revised Statutes be, and is hereby, amended to read 
as follows: 
“SEC. 3360. (a) Every dealer in leaf tobacco shall file with the collector of 
the district in which his business is carried on, a statement in duplicate, sub- 
scribed under oath, setting forth the place, and, if in a city, the street and 
number of the street, where his business is to be carried on, and the exact 
location of each place where leaf tobacco is held by him on storage, and, when- 
ever he adds to or discontinues any of his leaf tobacco storage places, he shall 
give immediate notice to the collector of the district in which he is registered. 
‘“ Every such dealer shall give a bond with surety, satisfactory to, and to 
be approved by, the collector of the district, in such penal sum as the collector 
may require, not less than $500; and a new bond may be required in the 
discretion of the collector or under instructions of the Commissioner. 
“ Every such dealer shall be assigned a number by the collector of the district, 
which number shall appear in every inventory, invoice and report rendered 
by the dealer, who shall also obtain certificates from the collector of the district 
setting forth the place where his business is carried on and the places desig- 
nated by the dealer as the places of storage of his tobacco, which certificates 
shall be posted conspicuously within the dealer's registered place of business, 
and within each designated place of storage. 
“(b) Every dealer in leaf tobacco shall make and deliver to the collector of 
the district a true inventory of the quantity of the different kinds of tobacco 
held or owned, and where stored by him, on the first day of January of each 
vear, or at the time of commencing and at the time of concluding business, 
if before or after the first day of January, such inventory to be made under 
oath and rendered in such form as may be prescribed by the Commissioner. 
‘“ Every dealer in loaf tobacco shall render such invoices and keep such 
records as shall be prescribed by the Commissioner, and shall enter therein, 
day by day, and upon the same day on which the circumstance, thing or act 
to be recorded is done or occurs, an accurate account of the number of hogs- 
heads, tierces, cases and bales, and quantity of leaf tobacco contained therein, 
purchased or received by him, on assignment, consignment, for storage, by 
transfer or otherwise, and of whom purchased or received, and the number of 
hogsheads, tierces, cases and bales, and the quantity of leaf tobacco contained 
therein, sold by him, with the name and residence in each instance of the 
person to whom sold, and if shipped, to whom shipped, and to what district: 
such records shall be kept at his place of business at all times and preserved 
for a period of two years, and the same shall be open at all hours for the 
inspection of any internal-revenue officer or agent. 
‘Every dealer in leaf tobacco on or before the tenth day of each month, 
shall furnish to the collector of the district a true and complete report of all 
purchases, receipts, sales and shipments of leaf tobacco made by him during the 
month next preceding, which report shall be verified and rendered in such 
form as the Commissioner. with the approval of the Secretarv. shall nreserihe

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