proving any city, town, village, or other municipality, or
»f maintaining a cooperative or community center mov- Gonditions.
ing-picture theater—if no part of the net earnings thereof emptions.
inures to the benefit of any private stockholder or indi-
vidual; or (B) exclusively to the benefit of persons in the po; veterans,
military or naval forces of the United States; or (C) ex- ete.
clusively to the benefit of persons who have served in such
forces and are in need; or (D) exclusively to the benefit
of National Guard organizations, Reserve Officers’ asso-
ciations or organizations, posts or organizations of war
veterans, or auxiliary units or societies of any such posts
or organizations, if such posts, organizations, units, or
societies are organized in the United States or any of its
possessions, and if no part of their net earnings inures to
the benefit of any private stockholder or individual; or
(E) exclusively to the benefit of members of the police or
fire department of any city, town, village, or other
municipality, or the dependents or heirs of such mem
pers; or
(2) Any admissions to agricultural fairs if no part of
the net earnings thereof inures to the benefit of any stock-
holders or members of the association conducting the
same, or admissions to any exhibit, entertainment, or other
pay feature conducted by such association as part of any
such fair—if the proceeds therefrom are used exclusivel
for the improvement, maintenance, and operation of such
agricultural fairs.
(c) The term “admission ” as used in this title includes Charges includ-
seats and tables, reserved or otherwise, and other similar
accommodations, and the charges made therefor.
(d) The price (exclusive of the tax to be paid by the, Fries rte; to
person paying for admission) at which every admission tickets.
ticket or card is sold shall be conspicuously and indelibly
printed, stamped, or written on the face or back of that
part of the ticket which is to be taken up by the manage-
ment of the theater, opera, or other place of amusement,
together with the name of the vendor if sold other than at
the ticket office of the theater, opera, or other place of
amusement. Whoever sells an admissica ticket or card
on which the name of the venaor and price is not so
printed, stamped, or written, or at a price in excess of the
price so printed, stamped, or written thereon, is guilty of
a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined
not more than $100.
Sec. 501. On and after the date this title takes effect tua eto club
there shall be levied, assessed, collected, and paid, in lieu
of the taxes imposed by section 501 of the Revenue Act of
2 Regulations 43, part 2 (1926). (T. D. 3874.)