Full text: The work of the International Labor Organization

Czechoslovakia and Switzerland are non-maritime and not 
~oncerned with this Convention, Japan, Norway and Spain 
have ratified, leaving only France, Germany and Italy of 
the principal maritime nations which have not done so. 
Italy has authorized ratification and Germany recommended 
it. France is waiting on action in regard to a bill amending 
French legislation relating to the period of compulsory 
oducation. One ratification has been authorized and five 
have been recommended. 
In this connection it is interesting to note the different 
attitude taken by non-maritime nations. Austria, Czecho- 
slovakia and Switzerland, because of the general inapplica- 
bility of the Convention to their respective countries, have 
deemed it inadvisable to adhere; while Luxemburg, although 
the maritime conventions do not directly affect it, has rati- 
fied them as a sign of solidarity and cooperation. 
Application of the Convention by legislation has been 
reported by seventeen of the nations which have ratified. 
Belgium and Latvia have prepared bills to carry out the 
provisions of the Convention, and no report has as yet been 
made for Luxemburg. In a few cases legislation partially or 
wholly meeting the terms of the Convention was already 
-xistent when the Convention was adopted and, where it did 
not fully carry out the provisions, was later amended accord- 
ingly. Chile, which has not yet ratified, applies the Conven- 
tion by legislation. Although Italy has authorized ratifica- 
sion of the Convention no steps have been taken to apply it. 
Legislation in preparation has been noted in the case of seven 
~ountries including Belgium, France and Germany. 
The Draft Convention Fixing the Minimum Age for the 
Admission of Young Persons to Employment as Trimmers or 
Stokers, adopted at Geneva in 1921, prescribes that young 
persons under the age of eighteen years are not to be em- 
ployed or to work on vessels! as trimmers or stokers. 
* Definition of “vessel” is the same as that provided in the Convention con- 
cerning Unemployment Indemnity in Case of Loss or Foundering of the Ship. See 
footnote, p. 81 of this volume.

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