Full text: The work of the International Labor Organization

prescribed by national law in order to secure adequate super- 
vision by the competent public authority. These provisions 
are to be deemed fulfilled if the competent authority certifies 
that the provisions of the agreement have been laid before 
him in writing, and have been confirmed by both the ship- 
owner or his representative, and by the seaman. Adequate 
provision is to be made to ensure that the seaman has under- 
stood the agreement, which must contain nothing contrary to 
the provisions of national law or of this Convention. 
Measures are to be taken in accordance with national law 
to ensure that no stipulation be included in the articles by 
which the parties contract in advance to depart from the 
ordinary rules of jurisdiction over the agreement. This pro- 
vision, however, is not to be interpreted as excluding a 
reference to arbitration, 
A document containing a record of his employment on 
board the vessel is to be given to each seaman. The form 
of the document, the particulars to be recorded, and the 
manner in which they are to be entered, are to be determined 
by national law. No statement is to be contained in the 
document as to the quality of the seaman’s work. 
The agreement may be made either for a definite time 
period, for the duration of a voyage, or, if permitted by 
national law, for an indefinite period. The respective rights 
and obligations of each party are to be clearly stated and 
he following particulars must be contained in the agreement: 
{a) Surname and other names of the seaman, date of birth 
or age, and birthplace. 
(b) Place and date on which agreement was completed. 
(c) Name of vessel or vessels on board which the seaman 
undertakes to serve. 
(d) Number of crew of vessel, if required by national law. 
€) Voyage or voyages to be undertaken, if this can be 
determined at the time of making the agreement. 
(f) Capacity in which the seaman is to be employed. 
(8) If possible, the place and date at which seaman is re- 
quired to report on board for service. 
Scale of provisions to be supplied to the seaman, un- 
less some alternative system is provided for by 
national law. 

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