Full text: The work of the International Labor Organization

should pay a benefit for the cost of decent burial on the 
death of an insured person or his dependents. 
Benefits in Kind: Treatment by a fully qualified doctor 
and the supply of proper and sufficient medicines and ap- 
pliances should be granted free of charge from the beginning 
of the illness and for so long as the state of the insured per- 
son’s health requires. These benefits are to be given at 
least until the expiration of the period prescribed for the 
grant of sickness benefit. Furthermore, there should be 
available, as far as local and financial conditions permit, 
facilities for services of specialists as well as dental treatment 
and hospital treatment when necessary. While an insured 
person is maintained in a hospital, the insurance institution 
should pay to his dependents the whole or part of the sickness 
benefit which would have been payable if he were not in the 
hospital. Medical benefit should also be extended to mem- 
bers of the insured person’s family living in his home and 
dependent on him, whenever possible and practicable. In- 
surance institutions should be empowered to avail them- 
selves of such doctors as they need. In urban centers and 
within specified geographical limits, an insured person should 
be entitled to choose a doctor from among those at the dis- 
posal of the insurance institution unless this involves too 
great an expense to the latter. 
Sickness Prevention: This section recommends a policy 
of prevention. Sickness insurance should assist in inculcat- 
ing the practice of the rules of hygiene among the workers. 
It should give preventive treatments as soon as symptoms 
of disease appear. 
Organization of Insurance: Insurance institutions should 
be administered, under the supervision of the competent 
public authority, in accordance with the principles of self- 
government. They are not to be carried on for profit. In- 
sured persons should have an important part in their man- 
agement through elected representatives. Concerted action 
on a territorial basis is suggested. 
Financial Resources: Financial resources should be pro- 
vided by contributions from the insured persons and em- 
Ployers, which can be supplemented by contributions from 
public funds. Reserve funds should be constituted.

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