Full text: The work of the International Labor Organization

recovering such indemnities as they have for recovering 
arrears of wages earned during service.! 
Action Taken by Member Nations? 
Only eleven nations have ratified this Convention, and one 
of these, Latvia, has done so on condition that it will be 
effective only when ratified by the principal maritime nations. 
Of the countries whose merchant marines are of substantial 
importance, only Great Britain, Italy and Spain have 
registered ratification and France and the Netherlands have 
authorized it. In regard to the other important maritime 
nations it may be noted that Germany has recommended 
ratification, Norway postponed it, while Denmark, Japan 
and Sweden have not defined their positions. Certain na- 
sions, such as Austria, Czechoslovakia, India, Siam and 
Switzerland, which have no merchant marine or one of very 
small size, have definitely declined to take any action. In 
addition to Germany, four Latin-American countries have 
recommended ratification. These recommendations, how- 
ever, were made several years ago and nothing has been done 
since then. 
Legislation embodying the provisions of the Convention, 
already in effect when the Convention was adopted by the 
Conference or adopted subsequently, either as entirely new 
acts or by bringing existing legislation in harmony with the 
terms of the Convention, has been passed in about eleven 
countries. This list includes most of the countries which 
nave ratified the Convention.® Belgium has not yet passed 
egislation but is said to have signified its intention to apply 
the provisions of the Convention. Bills for the same purpose 
nave been, or are being, prepared in France, Germany and 
:he Netherlands, making a total of nine countries which have 
egislation in progress or preparation. 
Moreover, in several countries which have not ratified the 
Convention, legislation is in effect wholly or partially apply- 
ing its provisions. In Germany, for example. the spirit of 
International Labor Conference, Second Session, 1920, pp. 579-582. } 
‘For references to specific countries see footnotes to Table 14, Appendix I. 
For two countries no information was given.

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