Full text: Industrial Transference Board report

These nominations are not restricted to land work but may be, and 
n fact are, extended to industrial occupations. The nominator 
accepts the responsibility for finding work for the migrant and 
the State Government is relieved of all responsibility, If the 
nominator is approved and the ‘‘ nominee ’’ is satisfactory, an 
issisted passage is granted. 
100. ** Requisitions *’ are made by the States through the Com- 
monwealth Government for various numbers of boys and young 
men to work on the land. Previous experience of agricultural work 
is not insisted upon, but a physical standard so severe is exacted 
as to result in the rejection of a large proportion of applicants. This 
standard is applied by selection from among a number of appli- 
ants by the Australian authorities in this country. The ratio of 
nominations to requisitions over each of the last five years has been 
ae follows -— 
1923 ... ‘ee . 
1924 ... ww wee 
1925 ... po. _ 
1926 ... cen ee 
1997 LL. 
Nominations. : Requisitions. 
28 979 
2’ BBO 
99 941 
It will be observed that direct requisitions have fallen, as nomina- 
‘ions increased, and the increase in nominations has thus not pro- 
duced a proportionate increase in total migration. 
Other Schemes under the Empire Settlement Act. 
101. In addition to the assisted passages, there are various 
special schemes for boys, and a scheme of group settlement in 
Weastern Aunatralia 
Migration and Settlement Agreement. 
102. There is further the Migration and Settlement Agreement 
(commonly referred to as the ** £34-million Loan Agreement *), 
under which the British Government contributes £150,000 (non- 
Yecoverable) for every £750,000 of loan moneys raised by the 
Commonwealth Government and advanced to the States for pur- 
poses of development. In return, the Commonwealth Government 
undertakes that the total number of migrants received and settled 
ander the Empire Settlement Act shall be 450.000 over a period 
of ten vears.

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