Full text: Industrial Transference Board report

Two small unmounted photographs of the applicant (and wife to be 
ncluded) must be sent, one of which must be certified on the back by the 
person who endorses the application, as follows: — 
“1 certify this to be a true photograph of 
Mrs. - ...... 
Miss | 
Signature ... 
(a) Certificates of Identity will be issued free of charge by the 
Director, Migration and Settlement Office, Australia House, Strand, 
London, to persons approved by the Director for reduced passages to 
Australia. They are not available to any other passengers. 
(b) A separate certificate is necessary for children over 16 years of 
(¢) Photographs should be placed inside a small envelope and securely 
fastened to this form, 
(d) The form of application with the photographs should be returned 
to the Deputy Director, Migration and Settlement Office. Australia 
House. London. 
(2224) Wt. 56973005 2250 7/28 H.St. G8

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