Full text: The shadow of the world's future, or The earth's population possibilities & the consequences of the present rate of increase of the earth's inhabitants

suffer terribly. When such a view goes as far as decid- 
ing for either “ Weltmacht oder Niedergang ”"—World- 
Power orDownfall—then such issues arise as those which 
recently cost mankind many millions of lives, terrible 
suffering, and great economic loss. A commitment to 
such a decision as is expressed by these three words 
costs, however, much more than this.. It does not end 
with the immediate disaster. The suspicion and hatred 
which are begotten are a terrible detriment to man- 
kind, and greatly hamper favourable developments 
subsequently. They destroy the sense of security in 
mutual relations; they mock at all ideals of honour 
and good faith; they turn the world into a realm, not 
merely where Man may have to suffer at the hands 
of Nature, but where he also has to fear, as a ghastly 
enemy, his fellow-man. 
While issues, such as those which are bred by the 
attitude just referred to, may arise, and must necessarily 
be looked upon as dread possibilities, peoples have no 
option but to anticipate them and their consequences. 
To do this, not merely are their thoughts and material 
acquisitions appropriated in costly preparations for 
defence, and even for attack by way of self-defence; 
they have also to shape their whole careers with these 
issues in view. They have also to debumanise their 
political attitude. Thus arise the forms of diplomacy 
which at present exist. For example, a nation, having 
secretly decided to invade another in order to attain 
certain military ends, does not hesitate to assure that 
nation that it need not fear such invasion. Such an 
attitude makes international goodwill an impossibility. 
This illustrates how it is that the a-moral view of 
all international relationships comes into being. The 
most solemn agreements and most positive assurances 
are in no way to be regarded as binding. They will be 
adhered to only while It suits, and will be set at naught 
as soon as one believes that it can be done with impunity,

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