Full text: The shadow of the world's future, or The earth's population possibilities & the consequences of the present rate of increase of the earth's inhabitants

attention to the difficulty of guiding international 
policy in such matters. 
The question of birth-control just referred to is 
inescapable. Its best form is what has been called 
“ constructive birth-control,” viz., that which takes 
account of what has been discovered in regard to the 
laws of inheritance of physical and mental qualities. 
Mendelism, a study of the nature of heredity, embry- 
ology, advances in psychology, in education generally, 
and in national and personal hygiene, have shown that 
it is easily possible to have far better conditions in the 
matter of the reproduction of human beings. To 
secure them practically is worth while. As peoples 
grow in intelligence and develop in character, their 
‘nterest in the quality of future generations progresses, 
and we realise that what in the past was left entirely 
to chance, may in the future be wisely directed, to the 
great advantage of humanity. One may say that the 
human race is rapidly reaching new ideals in regard to 
its responsibility to the generations to come. Indiffer- 
ence to the fate of those born under bad economic, 
physical and psychical conditions is giving place— 
perhaps all too slowly—to benevolent concern. When 
this concern embraces not merely the more immediate 
surroundings, but also the world-conditions entered 
upon, great ameliorations in the status of mankind are 
likely to arise, for they are certainly possible. 
The greater and nobler personalities among all 
peoples whatsoever are extraordinarily similar in their 
sympathies and their outlook. Brothers by nature, 
it behoves them to do all in their power to change 
national and racial egoisms and vanities into a spirit 
of real friendliness and co-operation. Though not an 
easy task, it is assuredly a possible one. The mutual 
touch of peoples to-day is unique in human history 
and it can bring forth good fruit.” Thus a world-survey 
in the interests of all is a desideratum of the first order,

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