Full text: The shadow of the world's future, or The earth's population possibilities & the consequences of the present rate of increase of the earth's inhabitants

control of the rates of increase as will be manageable. 
Should we elect to go on without such adjustments, 
then future troubles are likely to be serious indeed. 
One of the most important questions, even at the 
present time, is a proper selection among the various 
possibilities of migration, etc. It is self-evident that 
the world’s empty spaces would be better filled by the 
progeny of the superior human stocks, rather than by 
that of the more degenerate. Peoples who are robust 
physically, temperamentally stable, just, equitable, 
friendly and forceful in life, mentally well-endowed, 
have pre-eminent rights not merely in their own 
interests but in the interests of the world’s future. The 
gap between human derelicts and degenerates and the 
finer specimens of humanity is enormous. But there 
seems unquestionably to be very little intellectual 
and moral difference between the best of all ages. 
Mankind is perhaps better organised than in past 
times, and its information and technology have 
greatly advanced; the machinery of collective action 
seems to be in a relatively high position. But the 
degenerate elements have become assertive, and the 
signs of disruptive forces, threatening our whole 
civilisation, are unmistakable. Appeals to the baser 
elements of human nature are systematically made and 
with most prejudicial results. Drastic remedies are 
imperative, and, if the new era is to be a vastly better 
one, no country can without peril accept migrants 
without regard to their character. The question is, 
can human character be favourably affected by more 
intelligent mating, based upon a deeper concern for 
the new generation. The destiny of peoples assuredly 
lies in the hands of those who give birth to, and guide 
and educate, their children. And all, who have really 
studied the question, are beginning to realise that the 
time has arrived when defectives and degenerates 
should not be allowed to reproduce their kind: when

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