Full text: The shadow of the world's future, or The earth's population possibilities & the consequences of the present rate of increase of the earth's inhabitants

New Malthusianism aims at so regulating birth- 
conditions that the new-born will be ushered into a 
healthier world than now. Certain migrations will 
help, but it is inimical to the world-future’s interest 
that inferior sections of humanity should be transferred 
even to relatively empty countries. Everywhere the 
common intelligence needs to be raised ; when this 
is done it will not be quite so difficult to secure adjust- 
ments to local and to world conditions. If this can 
be achieved then human Destiny will be of fairer aspect, 
and Earth’s future more smiling to Man 
It is in the interests of the human race that each 
nation should retain and deal with its degenerates or 
defectives, its derelicts, and its poor. It should not be 
possible to pass them on to other nations by way of 
migration. The discipline for a people of having to 
deal with the consequences of its own ignorance or its 
indifference is salutary, and humanity will best progress 
by each nation being continually under the obligation 
of looking after its own more wretched elements. 
It then has a deeper concern in that advance which 
can come through national hygiene in the broader 
sense, and through a consideration of the bettering of 
its new generations by attention to the conditions 
governing their origination: then and probably then 
alone will these command the attention they deserve. 
1 See Scientia, “ The New Malthusianism in the Light of Actual 
World Problems of Population,” G.H. Knibbs, pp. 379-88, Dec. 1926.

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