Full text: The shadow of the world's future, or The earth's population possibilities & the consequences of the present rate of increase of the earth's inhabitants

These are the questions which human history is, in 
some measure, about to answer. 
The human being may, of course, have issues to face 
soon, which to-day are absolutely hidden. These he 
must perforce meet as they arise: It is well that to 
these should not be superadded those which are not 
hidden. For this, and many other reasons, everyone 
with an interest in our race will view with pleasure all 
efforts to lift the shadow which is looming darkly in 
respect of Man’s future. The widespread recognition 
of the developing solidarity of our race is an omen of 
promise. But, at present, it is specially characteristic 
of public men of exceptional eminence only. It is 
not yet a pervasive faith with the masses of mankind. 
The readiness with which antagonistic feeling arises 
between nations, and the intensities of national dis- 
likes, occasion forebodings which counter such appre- 
ciations of human solidarity as are growing. One can 
only hope that concerted action, in the attempt to 
solve the problems arising from the menaces of human 
increase, will create centres of sympathetic interest. 
These problems involve for their solution the cordial 
co-operation of all. Economic equity, the abandon- 
ment of unscrupulous competitions, and the pro- 
motion of a world-concentration on the great issue, is 
the way of peace. It may lead mankind in the end to 
discover that their world has, like Chamisso’s Peter 
Schlemibl, lost its shadow. So mote it be.

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