Full text: The shadow of the world's future, or The earth's population possibilities & the consequences of the present rate of increase of the earth's inhabitants

may be remitted to footnote! It will suffice here 
to observe that had the human race started only 
from a single pair, it could not increase at I per 
cent. per annum for 10,000 years, for this would 
require over 248 million million million of our earths 
to provide material for their bodies. We see how 
misleading popular conceptions are as to what is 
¢ In order to estimate the exact population-effect of various annual 
rates of increase, from one-half per cent. per annum to 4 per cent, 
the following table is of service :— 
Annual increase 
LER “}os ro 1 20 25 30 35 40 
Years to double 128-96 69-66 46°36 35-00 28-07 23°45 20°15 17-67 
from this last table one sees at once the consequences of any par- 
dcular rate. This, however, involves some calculation. It is more 
simple to have a table showing, for various date-years, the populaton 
to which the world will have attained should certain rates be char- 
acteristic of its growth. For this table, given hereunder, we have 
taken the population for 1928 as about 1950 millions. ‘The numbers 
are millions. 
DrveLopMENT oF PopuraTioN aT Various RATES oF 
Year . 
Rate . 0-5 
» , 078 
9 » IC 
p «I? 
3% 100 
1930 1050 
1970 2/77 
1079 2298 I 0 
909 2427 3+. 
a 2563 24c0 
J 2700 Gy20 
2702 2163 
339 4025 
lg92 511g Bo 
4770 607 
c6gt 0265 i 
r Iadoto] 
2075 2100 
2549 7,050 
419 10,797 
roa* 16,519 
¢ The populations marked with asterisks are not possible for the earth. 
The evidence of such a table as this is startling, for it will be noticed 
that the rates in the table are well within those of the quinquennium 
1906 to 1911. Increase, even at the average rate of 1-16 per cent. per 
annum, cannot last for any length of time, or at the rates of England 
and Wales, Japan, Ceylon, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Denmark, 
or Germany, to say nothing of any greater rates. This fact is one that 
is not commonly realised. It is very significant that the consequences 
of increase at a continuous and even small rate, over quite moderate 
periods of time, are not visualised in our everyday thinking. Prob- 
ably no one, who has not given the matter quite special attention, 
would be at all startled if he read somewhere that, during the his-

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