Full text: The shadow of the world's future, or The earth's population possibilities & the consequences of the present rate of increase of the earth's inhabitants

reproductive impulse of constant intensity; but at 
every moment the effectiveness of the impulse is being 
reduced in the ratio that the further population- 
possibility of the region, at that moment, bears to the 
total number which can live therein. Recently Prof. 
Raymond Pearl and Dr Reed in the United States, 
Mr Udny Yule in England, and others have system- 
atically examined this supposition; have—following 
Verhulst—called the curve representing it a “logistic 
curve,” ! and have developed formule for its applica- 
tion. In character the curve is similar to the * cross- 
over ”” from one railway line to another line parallel 
thereto. Initially it is concave upwards; its middle 
is sensibly linear; after that it becomes convex upwards, 
and approaches a limiting value asymptotically. That 
is to say, as time goes on the population-numbers 
increase more and more rapidly, per unit of time; 
attain to a maximum rate of increase; then increase 
more and more slowly as the numbers approach the 
limiting number of the population. 
The plausibility of this view is such that it cannot 
be passed without comment. The underlying assump- 
tion, viz., that human beings can be regarded as 
organisms, exhibiting essentially constant qualities, 
living in an environment which also is essentially 
constant, is certainly not true to a sufficient degree of 
approximation to warrant its being accepted as repre- 
senting the facts. The instantaneous rates of increase 
for the United States for the 10-year periods, which 
are § years on either side of the middle of the years 
shown in the table hereunder, were actually as indicated 
t The axis of abscisse represents time, and the axis of ordinates 
represents population-numbers. The curve will undoubtedly repre- 
sent very approximately the growth of, say, micro-organisms, developing 
in a limited region, where they are exhausting their pabulum by 
developing. It was found also to represent the mode of increase of 
the fly Drosoplila melanogaster, similarly circumstanced.

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