Full text: The shadow of the world's future, or The earth's population possibilities & the consequences of the present rate of increase of the earth's inhabitants

(i) What should constitute the norm of the 
standard-of-living, and how should it be 
(ii) What population can each country carry norm- 
ally, and how is it to be determined? 
(iii) What principles should govern migration as 
between any two countries, and how are these 
principles to be given effect? 
(iv) What are the governing factors which should 
relate to birth-control; how are they to be 
ascertained and given effect? 
These questions not only touch fundamentally the 
life and development of nations, but also the whole 
system of their mutual relations. They react pro- 
foundly upon the issues of peace and war, a point 
already noticed. Assuming that the questions are 
treated as world-questions, as indeed they ought to be, 
what should be the world-attitude in laying down a 
basis for fixing the standard of living? Which, for 
example, is really to be preferred, the possibility of 
larger numbers with more modest living, or of fewer 
numbers living in relative opulence or even great 
luxury? ‘The solution of this assuredly governs the 
answer to the second of the four fundamental questions. 
It is self-evident that the answer to the third element 
is profoundly affected by the answers to the first two; 
and finally they all react upon any decision in regard 
to the fourth element. 
It is not, of course, intended to attempt an answer 
here to the questions indicated above, but it is proper 
to point out that not only can the recent increasing 
of the luxury of living not be maintained, but a halt even 
to the existing state of things will soon have to be called. 
The destructive forces of human extravagance are 
already in evidence. Intensifying the egoistic impulse, 
they create oppositions and those clashes of interest

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