Full text: The shadow of the world's future, or The earth's population possibilities & the consequences of the present rate of increase of the earth's inhabitants

which tend inevitably toward war. Intrinsically they 
are of a character which involves this. And one sees 
that Tagore is right when he says that “knowledge 
and efficiency are powerful in their outward effect, but 
they are the servants of Man, not Man himself” (op. 
ctt., P. 41). 
From what has been said it is evident that the 
problems directly connected with the world’s future 
in respect of its population are of fundamental 
importance. A world-survey to obtain the data for 
their real solution has not yet been made. As already 
indicated, it is indispensable. Countries which, like 
Australia, Africa, South America, and parts of Russia 
in Asia, are under-populated, have essentially the 
deepest interest therein. Countries which have an 
overplus of people are also greatly interested. Con- 
centration on these matters may save the world much 
trouble, for the issues cannot be avoided. The losses 
that will eventuate from armed collisions in future are 
likely to be more appalling than heretofore. Over- 
concentration on the various questions of the moment 
to the detriment of the possibility of reaching satis- 
factory world-conclusions as to the future of mankind is, 
we submit, supreme folly, and the danger is that it 
will be paid for terribly. 
Over-population is, of course, a relative term, not 
an absolute one. Advances of scientific and technical 
knowledge will continually open up new possibilities of 
population, though relatively these will become con- 
tinually less. But, as things are, many countries find 
themselves already greatly over-populated, and must 
perforce very soon see to the remedy. Many countries 
in Europe are already in difficulty. However much— 
for example—the conzadini of Italy or the peasants of 
Germany and of many other parts of Europe may be 
helped by a better knowledge of agriculture, such 
countries are now actually under the pressure of a

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