Full text: On the report of the Special Committee on Agriculture

on the 
Report of the Special Committee on 
To problems which peculiarly affect agricultural enterprises the Chamber of Commerce of the United 
States has given frequent attention. It has provided for their discussion .at its annual meetings and it has 
seen active in assisting member organizations in giving sympathetic consideration to these problems. The 
United States Chamber has always sought, also, in making provision for the study of problems which affect 
all fields of enterprise, including agriculture, to have direct representation of the views and experience of 
For five years and more agriculture has been formally represented upon the advisory committees of the 
Chamber. In recent years this representation has taken the form of a separate advisory committee, deal- 
'ng only with questions of special importance to agriculture, generally or in any of its forms. 
Acting upon the advice of this committee, the Board of Directors of the Chamber in 1926 joined with 
‘he National Industrial Conference Board in making possible a new and independent survey of agricultural 
sonditions by a committee of business men. Hon. Charles Nagel, of St. Louis, accepted the chairmanship. 
The membership was distinguished for business experience and business attainment. After close devotion 
to the task, this committee of business men published its report in December, 1927. : 
Believing that the conclusions of such a committee should have immediate and thorough consideration, 
he Board of Directors of the Chamber at once authorized the appointment of a Special Committee on 
Agriculture and requested this committee to submit a report after considering the report of the Business 
Men’s Commission on Agriculture together with all other material which had been brought together, 
The committee so appointed was: 
Dwicur B. HEARD, Chairman, Pheenix, Ariz. 
Arrrep H. Stone, Vice-Chairman, Dunleith, Miss. 
Joun Branpr, Litchfield, Minn. 
WirLiam BurrerworrH, Moline, IIL 
Wirriam J. Dean, St. Paul, Minn. 
James R. Howarp, Clemons, Iowa 
Frank D. Jackson, Tampa, Fla. 
Suarnes W. Lonspark, Kansas City, Mo. 
TouN W. O'Leary, Chicago, IIL. 
On March 30, 1928, this committee presented to the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors 
a. report of progress, and on May 5, 1928, it presented to the Board of Directors its report with recommenda- 
dons. This report of the committee the Board "determined should be submitted to the organziation members 
of the Chamber. for a referendum vote. 
There are accordingly printed in this pamphlet: 
The Committee's Report.......... 
:. Arguments in the Negative. 

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