Full text: Report of the Commission on Coloured Education

Early in 1926, a cablegram was received from Dr. Abdurahman, then in India, tendering 
his resignation as a member of the Commission, and the vacancy was not filled. 
It was felt by the Commission that justice could not be done to the terms of reference, 
anless. its enquiries were made Province-wide in their scope; and, as it was known to be 
virtually impossible to take oral evidence from all parts of the Province, it was decided to 
address the following questionnaire to all managers of coloured schools and others interested 
in the guestion of coloured education : — 
Control and Organisation. 
1. Do you consider that the existing system of control of coloured schools by the 
churches and missionary bodies should continue? Tf not, what svstem of control do 
vou suggest? 
2. Do you consider that the machinery provided by sub-sections (¢) and (i) of 
Section 326 of the Consolidated Education Ordinance is adequate for the creation of 
suitable boards of management? 
3. Do you consider that the application of this section of the Ordinance should 
be made compulsory, or that it should remain voluntary, as at present? 
Training of Teachers. 
4. Do you consider that the existing system of denominational control of training 
institutions for coloured teachers should be continued? Tf not, what system do vou 
5. In your experience have you found difficulty in obtaining suitably qualified 
:eachers? If so, to what do you attribute this difficulty? 
6. Do you consider that the educational standard required for entrance to the 
teachers’ course is satisfactory? 
7. Do you consider that an age limit for entrance to the teachers’ course should 
be fixed? If so, what age do you recommend? 
8. Do you consider that the length of the course is satisfactory? 
9. Do you consider that the existing syllabuses for the training of teachers, 
which were published in the Education Gazette of the Tth February, 1924, are 
suitable? If not, please indicate briefly in what respects vou consider that changes 
could profitably be made. 
School COurrieula. 
10. What changes, if any, do you recommend in the curriculum for coloured 
primary schools, as published in the Education Gazette of the 6th December, 1923. 
having special regard to:— 
(i) Rural conditions. 
(ii) Urban conditions. 
(iii) Any other considerations? 
11. Are you of the opinion that there should be any differentiation between the 
curricula for European secondary and coloured secondary schools? If so, please 
indicate briefly in what respect vou think the courses should differ 
Srhool Buildinoe. 
12. Are the existing provisions of the law, providing for the payment of grants 
towards the rent of hired buildings, and for the payment up to a maximum of five 
per cent. on the cost of buildings erected after the lst April, 1918, adequate, in your 
opinion, to enable sufficient accommodation to be provided for all coloured children 
of school-going age® If not, what further provision do vou recommend? 
School Reguisites. 
13. Do you consider that the present system of charging for school books supplied 
to pupils could he improved upon by the introduction of a flat rate? 
Compulsory Attendance. 
14. Do you consider that the attendance of coloured children at school should be 
made compulsory? If so, what form of compulsion do vou recommend? 
CP. 170

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