Full text: The board of education

Acland, A. H. D., 11, 217 
Anson, Sir W., 228; Arnold, 
M., 47, 127, 130, 155; Bal- 
four of Burleigh, Lord, 87; 
Balfour, A. ]., 182, 231; 
Beaconsfield, Lord, 3, 11; 
Birrell, A., 183, 230, 284; 
Blomfield, Bp., 63; Bright, 
[., 5, 64, 180, 223; Brough- 
im, Lord, 2, 5, 7, 159; 
Bryce, J., 203,284 ; Burnham, 
Lord, 211, 260, 264; Cock- 
erton, 12, 15, 16; Derby, 
Lord, 6; Devonshire, Duke 
of, 15, 17, 203 ; Farrer, Lord, 
90 ; Fisher, H. A. L., 69,237; 
Forster, W. E., 8, 142 ; Ged- 
des, Sir E., 104, 106, 112, 270 ; 
Gladstone, W. E, 2, 3, 7, 82, 
278 ; Gorst, Sir J., 15,27 ,181 
274; Goschen, Lord, 82, 89, 
112; Granville, Lord, 10; 
Hamilton, Lord G., 11; 
Harcourt, Sir W., 278 : Kay- 
Shuttleworth, Sir J., © 126, 
128; Lansdowne, Lor 17, 
Lloyd-George, D or ~~ 
R, 7 1 ~ 
290 ; “wr 
Morant, Sir 
Pease, J., gr, Peel, £. 
Runciman, W., 229, 23r 
Russell, Lord J, 2, 5, 7, 179; 
Sadler, Sir M., 77, 214 ; Tem- 
ple, Archbishop, 155, 204; 
Trevelyan, C., 286; Whit- 
bread, S., 179; Wyse, 1. 
Acts of Parliament : 1870, Ele- 
mentary Education, 7, 27, 32, 
84, 180, 220, 223, 283; 1876, 
Elementary Education, 36; 
1888, Local Government, 181; 
1889, Technical Instruction, 
13, 181; 188g, Welsh Inter- 
mediate Education, 72, 181; 
1898, Teachers’ Superannu- 
ation, 268; 1899, Board of 
Education, 14, 70, 144, 203; 
1902, Education, 16, 53, 134, 
181, 190, 225-229, 234, 284; 
1903, London, 16, 176 ; 1906, 
Provision of Meals, 106; 
1907 “~*=*-+rative Provi- 
sions, 2, 280; 190, 
Choic Employment, 84; 
I9II, _ ministrative Provi- 
sions, 'n; vq18, Education, 
2¢ _, 938 186, 190; 
: “zachers’ Superannu- 
, =~; 1918, Education 
th ad, 181, 206; 1910, 
i aistry v1 Health, 25 ; 1921, 
Education Consolidation, 21; 
1923, Institution Children, 

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