Full text: Europe and Africa

Tue remarkable forward movement, known as “European 
expansion,” which took place during the latter half of the 
nineteenth century and the first decade of the twentieth 
century, carried European civilization and ideals not only 
into the Dark Continent, but also into the greater part of 
Asia and the islands of the Pacific Ocean. It was not, how- 
ever, an organized, altruistic effort to introduce western 
civilization and the Christian religion into the neglected and 
undeveloped regions of the earth. It was rather a deter- 
mined, irresponsible, and self-centered attempt to promote 
European trade and, by the ruthless acquisition of impor- 
tant commercial centers, economic concessions and new 
territories, to ensure the future prosperity of the leading 
European states and their nationals, to achieve their “na- 
tional destinies” and to maintain the leadership in world 
affairs. It became a contest for privilege and power; and it 
was one of the contributing causes of the Great War. 
An understanding of this movement is essential to any 
clear comprehension of world politics to-day. Innumerable 
volumes would be required to give an adequate and detailed 
account of the manifold activities and ramifications of 
European expansion. The main features of the story have 
been traced in European Intervention and Colonization mn 
Africa and in Europe and the East in a clear yet compre- 
hensive outline, so that the whole movement may be readily 
seen in its proper perspective. The present work is a revised 
edition of the first-mentioned book. The Great War, the 
establishment of the Mandate System in Africa, the intro- 
duction of Indian labor into the Dark Continent, and the 
creation of an independent Egypt have necessitated 1m-

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