Full text: Europe and Africa

portant changes in the relation of European states to African 
communities. And the forward march of events, accom- 
panied by new -and noteworthy developments — both 
political and economic — during the decade which has 
elapsed since the publication of the first edition, have made 
it imperative that the volume be brought down to date. For 
the sake of uniformity, it has been decided, while retaining 
the original name as a subtitle, to change the title to Europe 
and Africa. 
To avoid the confusion which is certain to arise with the 
presentation of a multiplicity of facts and events, no men- 
tion 1s made here of the smaller colonial developments that 
have had little bearing upon the general issue. Great 
Britain has four valuable colonies on the west coast of 
Africa: Gambia, Sierra Leone, the Gold Coast, and Nigeria; 
but the history of only one of them — Nigeria — has been 
given in detail. The story of this colony furnishes an ex- 
cellent example of the British colonial methods and policy on 
the West Coast, and is the one particularly connected with 
the general contest for territory in that section of Africa. 
Portugal has extensive possessions in Angola and East 
Africa; but thus far the development of these territories has 
not been materially affected by the general competition 
for land in the Dark Continent. Therefore they have not 
been dealt with extensively in this volume. And for similar 
reasons descriptions of the French colony of Madagascar, 
of Italian Eritrea, and of British, French, and Italian 
Somaliland have been omitted. 
The author wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to 
Dr. Benjamin B. Wallace for his valuable assistance in the 
collection of material for both the original volume and the 
revised edition. 
Evanston, Iuuvois 
December, 1926

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