Full text: Europe and Africa

— Bismarck’s policy — Occupation of Togoland and the Came 
roons — Organization and development of the German colonies in 
West and Southwest Africa — Loss of these colonies — Creation 
of Mandate System in Togoland and German Cameroons. 
V. BritisH AND GERMAN East A¥rica, anp Ucanpa . 
The Sultanate of Zanzibar — German treaties with natives — 
Delimitation of Zanzibar’s continental claims — German and 
British spheres — Work of the Imperial British and German East 
African Companies — Anglo-German Treaty of 1890 — Italian 
Somaliland — Carl Peters in Uganda — Missions and civil war 
~—~ Expedition of Lugard — Rule of the British East African 
Company in Uganda — The Uganda Railway — Native troubles 
— Weakness and dissolution of the Company — Establishment 
of the British Protectorates of East Africa and Uganda — The 
new administration — Land grants — Finance — The Land 
System — Currency — Powers of the Governors — Indian immi- 
gration and labor — Economic developments — The government 
and development of German East Africa — Its conquest by the 
British and Belgians — Partition — British administration of 
FrEncH CoroniaL Expansion IN WEST AFRICA, THE 
Explorations and early settlements — French dreams — 
Conquest of the Ahmadu and Samory — Senegal united with the 
Ivory Coast and Dahomey — The Nigerian border — Competi- 
tion and treaties with Great Britain — Extension of the Sudan 
and the French Congo — The Fashoda incident — Treaty of 
1899 — Expansion in Guinea, the Ivory Coast, Mauretania, and 
the Sahara — Unification of French Africa — Colonial consolida- 
tion and administration — Commerce and progress in West 
Africa, 1920-25. 
Exploration — Commercial development — The Royal Niger 
Company and its administration — Competition for territory — 
Order established — Transfer of country to the British Govern- 
ment — The new administration — Native policy — Finance 
— Conquest of Bida, Yola, and Bornu — Of Kano and Sokoto — 
Ruling through native chiefs — Administration and communica-~ 
tion — Taxation — Native law and courts — Land policy — 
Unification of Northern and Southern Nigeria — Creation of a 
Legislative Council — Effect of the Great War on the Protecto- 
rate — Progress since 1920. 

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