Full text: Europe and Africa

Lake Chad in October, 1899. The third force, “Mission 
Foureau-Lamy,” set out from Biskra in 1898 and crossed the 
Sahara Desert by way of Temassinin, Tassili, In Azaoua, 
Tadjen, Air, and Aguellal, making treaties with the desert 
chieftains en route. They arrived in the neighborhood of the 
lake early in 1900. The three missions, after the satisfactory 
conclusion of their individual tasks, triumphantly united 
their forces at Mandjafa on April 11, 1900. 
Meanwhile, the French protectorates in the Sudan and 
on the Guinea and Ivory Coasts were being effectively 
joined. On November 3, 1896, the French occupied Timbo 
by force; and between 1896 and 1899, Dr. McLaud and 
Captain Salesses explored thoroughly a large part of French 
Guinea and its hinterland with a view to railroad construc- 
tion as well as to political control. And Dr. No¢l Ballay, 
who was Governor of the colony from 1891 to 1902, estab- 
lished an excellent seaport at Konakry, paid great attention 
to the trade and internal development of the province, and 
made strenuous efforts to construct a railway and roads that 
should open a direct connection between his colony and the 
Upper Niger. 
During the years 1895 to 1898, Captains Pobéguin, 
Marchand, Blondiaux, and Closel explored all the hinter- 
land district of the Ivory Coast, covering the country be- 
tween Beyla and Tenindieri, and penetrating into Indenie. 
Finally, Colonel Audeou resumed operations in the Central 
Sudan and occupied Sikasso on May 1, 1898; and Captains 
Gouraud and Gaden subdued and captured Samory, the 
Napoleon of the Sudan, who was transported to the Congo 
where he died on June 2, 1900. The subjection of the Sudan 
was now complete; and in 1899 the mission of Governor 
Hostains and Lieutenant D’Ollone explored and surveyed 
the country from Bereby via Cavally to Beyla, where they 
joined hands with the mission of Lieutenants Woelfel

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