Full text: Europe and Africa

Western Sahara, postal and telegraphic communications, 
means of suppressing revenue frauds, maritime fishing, 
railroads, roads, customs duties, uniform forest legislation, 
and intellectual and scientific coéperation.! 
But as the war and the economic difficulties following 
thereupon have emphasized the value of the colonies in the 
eyes of Frenchmen and have made them feel that France is 
a “nation of 100,000,000,” that there is but une France 
integrale, métropolitaine et Africaine, the feeling has naturally 
followed that North Africa is the nearest and the most 
French portion of overseas France, and since Algeria is the 
most thoroughly French part of North Africa, so Algeria 
must be the pattern for the development of the other 
regions under French control. Whether the French can 
make this program attractive to the colonists remains 
to be seen. 
In the meantime the colonies are not without their re- 
action upon France, though perhaps only in one respect can 
this reaction be clearly seen at present. The policy of 
France toward Turkey and toward all phases of the Moslem 
question has been greatly influenced by the predominance 
of Moslem populations in the French North African pos- 
sessions. And if the statement of General Lyautey to the 
Sultan of Morocco after the Franco-Turkish Accord of 1921 
partakes of the extravagance of after-dinner oratory, it is a 
striking proof of the Moslem-colonial influence upon one 
of the greatest citizens of France. General Lyautey said of 
the accord between France and Turkey: 
It responds to all my wishes, for I have always had the profound 
conviction that the two incomparable moral forces which France 
and Islam represent were made to unite for the greatest good of the 
1 I Afrique Frangaise, April and May, 1924, pp. 275-283 and 327-28. 
For the earlier Conference of Algiers, see L’ Afrique Frangaise, February, 
1923, pp. 54-58.

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