Full text: Europe and Africa

until now it is as efficient as any in the world. While this 
was going on, the French Government had grown in strength 
and stability until it had won the confidence of the European 
states and Russia was convinced of the value of a French 
alliance. This was agreed upon in 1891; ! and in the follow- 
ing year France rendered secure her finances, and her posi- 
tion as a self-sustaining and progressive nation, by the 
adoption of a protective tariff system. 
Here, also, one must not overlook the influence of the 
popular will upon French colonial policy. From 1880 on, 
this was distinctly noticeable; and the enterprising, progres- 
sive spirit of the new Republic, resulting from the healthy 
development of democratic institutions and ideals, showed 
itself immediately in the field of colonial adventure and 
enterprise. The active promoters of French expansion in 
Africa were again and again supported and encouraged by 
private funds and popular approval; and it is exceedingly 
doubtful if the great undertakings would have succeeded 
but for the financial and political support afforded them 
by the French Chamber. 
The industrial revolution which took place in all the 
European states, from 1870 to 1900, was sure to result in 
overproduction — at least in a production that far exceeded 
the needs of the inhabitants of the several states. Wider 
markets were, therefore, soon in demand; and the leading 
powers quickly found themselves embarked upon a silent 
contest for the unoccupied trade centers. Commercial 
monopolies were greatly in favor, and were applied wherever 
possible. The increased transportation facilities and meth- 
ods were rapidly bringing large fields of trade into the gen- 
eral market, which previously had been unapproachable. In 
1800, judging from the limited statistics then collected, 
there were about 355 to 360 million people who were reached 
1 Apparently, and evidently made more formal in 1894.

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